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hello all i have a dilemma regarding the following.

I have a chance of getting a TL audio ivory 2 5051 mono valve processor for about $800 AU.

Now since ill be getting the Wavesmusicians bundle 2 with compressor and EQ and stuff on it, would i be better off saving a bit more money and getting a one channel Great River preamp and using the Wavescompressor or should i get the 5051 with the compressor? oh and I'm currently using a seb 2000evu.

thanks guys 8-)


Kurt Foster Fri, 12/17/2004 - 18:16

I can not say, as I have never used the Waves bundles .... Waaaaay too expensive for me .... especially when you consider the expected life span is relatively short ...

I just use the stock plugs that came with Cubase, which btw are very functional and useable but really don't impart any kind of a sonic signature.

If I want the sound of a good compressor I use my Manley EL OP , Urei LA4's or 1178 going into the box. I have also used these comps at mix by as well sending the signal out and processing it again and returning it back to the DAW for summing and mixing.

I do the same sometimes for reverbs as well ... my Lexicon PCM 60, 70 and 80 all sound much better than any plug I have heard. It sounds much better when I do this but I lose the instant recall ability, so it's a trade off of convince vs. sound quality. If I think a client is going to be coming back with mix revisions over multiple songs, I mix in the box with the stock plugs .... but if I think I can leave the mix up and patched for a few days I will use the outboard..


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