What are the best thin cases to buy for CD's? I know the CD sleeves are no good to buy I have them and they are scratching my CD's and DVD's. Any recommendations. I live in Canada so I have Future Shop and Best Buy here, but their CD cases are junk. I want to get thing cases but ones the CD's don't fall out and can have tabs for CD numbers. Do you have any recommendation even if it's an online store, but if they can ship to Canada without the custom fees.
I also want to know do those CD repair kits really repair scratches on CD's? Are they any good? I want to know because I have some CD's that are scratched, so can anyone tell me which brands of CD repair is best, if any and where to buy. I live in Toronto.
Did you try Tiger Direct? Now in Canada... Wooot! http://www.
Did you try Tiger Direct?
Now in Canada... Wooot!
mark_van_j wrote: Did you try Tiger Direct? Now in Canada... W
mark_van_j wrote: Did you try Tiger Direct?
Now in Canada... Wooot!
I know tiger direct, but which cases are best to buy? I seen 200 cases for like $40 which is amazinf deal, but I want the high quality ones.
A case is a case. As long as it's made of plastic and you don't
A case is a case. As long as it's made of plastic and you don't sit on it, it should do fine. Sleeves can damage CD's over prolonged periods of usage, but regular cases no... Not that I have seen....
Honestly man, I would just go with this:
and this...
For scratches that ain't too bad, try peanut butter and a cheesc
For scratches that ain't too bad, try peanut butter and a cheescloth.
Don't load up a peanut butter sandwich, but just a dab on the end of the cloth. Rub gently in a circular motion around the circumference of the media.
Takes s bit of time as the peanut meat, while abrasive, is not as abrasive as the repair kits... but it certainly is cheaper!
I'll check on cases with a buddy of mine and get back to ya.