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I have an oppurtunity to get a Lexicon 224 with Remote for about $750, I know its old (but that's about all that I know about it) and it supposedly is in good operating condition, is this a good deal? Or how about a Yamaha Rev 7 for $200? Thanks in advance.


Kurt Foster Mon, 01/17/2005 - 19:37

What are you recording on ... mixer and stand alone recorder or DAW?

The 224 is Lexicons super mega buck reverb from the late 80's / early 90's ... I can't say if it would be a good choice or not if I don't know "the rest of the story" but if you're using a Mackie mixer or better with a tape recorder or a stand alone digital recorder like ADATs or a Radar ... Mackie or Alesis HD24 it would be pretty cool!

If your recording in a DAW, you might be better off getting some good verb plugs for that or perhaps a UAD card or two ... there are some real cool VST outboard devices that run plugs for DAWs that are starting to come out ... you might consider somthing like that to get ahaed of the curve instead of behind it ...

anonymous Thu, 03/09/2006 - 13:19

Hi !

I own a 224.
My opinion is : Go for it !

This is a beautiful sounding reverb. plus, it has the remote control, very useful !
I also own a pcm60 and a pcm80. I really find the 224 "easier to fit" in a mix. You send => it works, or not. But if it works, you may want to change a few parameters, but man, this rocks ! I have the same feeling when i use a 480.

Don't forget the 224 was also made for quad ! (concert hall programs) And it works great in a 5.1 production!

It really worth WAY more then 750 bucks !

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