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Is anyone else experiencing serious midi problems since the upgrade to 5.1? At the time of writing trying to record a click track for a new session what should be at lets say 9.1.000 is at 9.1.009/010/012. . This brings PT midi to new depths of despair... Is anyone else having these hassles?

Simon :mad:


anonymous Wed, 04/04/2001 - 13:48

i have not ventured into the midi world of 5.1 yet
however i am having huge problems with everything else

like the surrround engine
the installer did not even install it
our tech here had to spend hours with digi
to finally get them to tell him the installer skips that part if you are not on a G4

i could go on and on
it has some cool new feature
when the hell do we get a keyboard shortcut for bounce to disk...... :mad:

i think digi has a panel of monkeys working on this stuff

sorry i have no addvice for you
just thought i would let you know that the midi thing is not the only problem

however it would not surprise me at all to find out that they never even tested the midi section of PT 5.1 before shipping it

i say go back to 5.01 or even 4.3
they worked a lot better
wait till the monkeys send an update for 5.1

as said to a client:
"do you want to do it fast, or do you want to use Pro Tools"

if i could afford it i would fix the problem with a sledge hammer,


Greg Malcangi Fri, 04/06/2001 - 04:02

Hi JHall,

<< like the surrround engine
the installer did not even install it
our tech here had to spend hours with digi
to finally get them to tell him the installer skips that part if you are not on a G4 >>

Not true. I'm not doubting that you personally had a problem but my upgrade to 5.1 took about 10 minutes and I've not had a single problem. BTW, I use PT in a 9600 and do most of my work in surround.

Simon: Sorry, I've not experienced your problem with MIDI. I have been unable to detect any timing difference between 5.01 and 5.1. Certainly PT's reliance on OMS is a weakness and if I were doing exclusively MIDI stuff I would be sync'ing up Logic as the MIDI front end. However, for most practical purposes I've found PT5.1 to be more than adequate for all my MIDI requirements.


nrgmusic Fri, 04/06/2001 - 09:29

thanks for the reply, I do actually use LA Platinum for the front end, and the timing sucks as badly on LA as on 5.1. I did a series of tests for tech support in the UK and have sent my findings in to them for analysis. It would seem that there is a marked difference between 5.01 and 5.1. In 5.01 the latency on a generated click track was a consistant 006 ticks as in instead of 1.1.000 actual is 1.1.006 and in 5.1 it is inconsistant and ranges from 1.1.009 to 1.1.014... Not at all cool. I did hear somewhere that if you change the buffer size on the hardware setup it may help to reduce the latency back to 5.01s' timing.

Simon :roll: