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I would like to ask you what would be the difference (percentage-wise) in switching to 800FSB from 533FSB on P4 3.06? I have the latter and I'm thinking how much more power it would give me for mixing.




Opus2000 Tue, 08/19/2003 - 14:15

Not sure what the total percentage would be or the overall track/plug in count.

A jump from 533 to 800 is somewhat noticeable but not an entirely huge one. The main difference you will see is via the memory. This is now a dual channel configuration where as the old was only single. Dual channel memory is actually more synchronous to the CPU which greatly increases the speed of the processing as it doesn't have to wait for the memory any more. It's right along side it now.

The main jump will be when the 800mhz FSB processors have the 1MB L2 cache on them. At that point you will notice a huge difference

Opus :D