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Yesterday I went to the SOS website to get some info and my browser went mad. I have AVG and it's Windows 10 - and suddenly loads of pop up windows started to open - a message appeared warning me the website was trying to open windows - and before even a few second had passed I'm getting warning messages - warning recording playing, telling me to call a number as I'm infected and I had to shut the machine down - despite dire warnings popping up telling me not to. Starting up, AVG finds all sorts of things and deletes them. Normal behaviour - on web sites again, until I try to go back to SOS and all hell breaks loose again. SOS is of course fine on my mac, but I dare not try it on another windows machine. Anyone else had the same thing?


paulears Sun, 07/09/2017 - 23:28

All up to date - excluding flash, which is not the latest version. AVG (paid for version) detects nothing at all on full scan - but tried it again yesterday - It's not normally connected to the internet as it's my music computer and only gets connected when I need to - and firefox works fine until I visit the SOS site when the popups happen again. There are no add-ons or extras in the firefox installation - just as it installed. Intriguing but odd? Triggered by something on the home page that is not on other sites I use regularly. I'm assuming there is an active element somewhere?

Boswell Mon, 07/10/2017 - 02:51

Paul - I suggest you do a trial with the Firefox popups set to trigger a query. In Firefox, goto Tools -> Options -> Content and check the Block Popups box. Try a site with known harmless popups; you should get a bar across the bottom of the screen with a options box on the right. In Options, click the italicised Temporarily allow all this page, and that page should then work as normal. Next, go to SOS and either repeat the same, or take it step by step in an attempt to see which pop-up is causing you the trouble. Restore normal operation by unchecking the box in Content.

dddavidp Fri, 07/28/2017 - 21:08

paulears, post: 451284, member: 47782 wrote: All up to date - excluding flash, which is not the latest version. AVG (paid for version) detects nothing at all on full scan - but tried it again yesterday - It's not normally connected to the internet as it's my music computer and only gets connected when I need to - and firefox works fine until I visit the SOS site when the popups happen again. There are no add-ons or extras in the firefox installation - just as it installed. Intriguing but odd? Triggered by something on the home page that is not on other sites I use regularly. I'm assuming there is an active element somewhere?

Just so you know, (I think that) Flash is one of the more important plugins to keep updated. Basically, It has been around for so long and been implemented in so many ways that you just have to. Could you tell if what was popping up was media related? As in, was there any visual / audio content (aside from the warning recording, ofc)? And was that all there was? Any paragraphs of text, or stationary images? If there weren't, and it was all a bunch of annoying, attention-getting crap, then that's the culprit imo.

paulears Sat, 07/29/2017 - 03:42

I've not had any success at all with solving this - one computer, fine on every web site and scanned by AVG - that just goes mad when it goes to the SOS website, who assure me have no malicious code on it they can find. So whatever is on the PC and has attached itself to both firefox and edge - which both do the same things.

I'm just not going to that website any longer on that machine, but would love to find out why it's suddenly problematic.

dddavidp Sat, 07/29/2017 - 12:29

paulears, post: 451571, member: 47782 wrote: I've not had any success at all with solving this - one computer, fine on every web site and scanned by AVG - that just goes mad when it goes to the SOS website, who assure me have no malicious code on it they can find. So whatever is on the PC and has attached itself to both firefox and edge - which both do the same things.

I'm just not going to that website any longer on that machine, but would love to find out why it's suddenly problematic.

Did you update flash?

dddavidp Sat, 07/29/2017 - 16:58

paulears, post: 451585, member: 47782 wrote: Yep - but that's also tiresome as just recently, flash seems to be less and less liked, so update requests are quite frequent now.

Flash is one of those weird programs that never tells you its out of date until you manually update it, and then it tells you to update it a few more times.

I dunno why they haven't fixed that, but you should go to their website and download it again.

I suspect that some of the changes don't get through, so any updates that depend on those new lines of code don't get through either. That's the story behind Windows Update, anyway.