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Here is a noobie ?. I have a Gateway Core 2 Duo Laptop, and I've been reading all of the stuff about needing 2 computers/harddrives, and was hoping someone could give me some pointers about getting this HP Pavilion 734 desktop, that I pulled out of the garage hooked up correctly, and were to put what as far as software, DAW, etc, and what to use each unit for. I don't have much so far. Here is the list;
-Yamah S90es Keyboard w/mLan
-PreSonus FireStudio
-The 2 computers, ( Core 2 Duo laptop and P4 desktop
-Cubase LE and the rest of the plugin stuff that came with it all.
-Also an SM58 mic and a Faderport.
The goal, for now anyway, is to better learn the keys and theory and to learn about the whole digital music thing. Thanks, rlharv2



pmolsonmus Sun, 01/11/2009 - 18:48

Welcome to RO. First, the search button is your friend.

Second, I'm not sure what info you've been reading to make you think you need 2 computers. 1 for tracking, 1 for mastering??? or ??? Whatever it is, you don't need 2. An additional hard drive (internal or external) is not only a really good idea, it is becoming almost a requirement.

To learn the theory there are a bunch of web based music theory sites, many free, or inexpensive software options.

Start with that and the search button and see if you can ask specific questions.
