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I know this question was just recently posted by someone else, but I've got some other questions as well.

I'm about to buy the Mbox as soon as my paycheck arrives in the mail (though I could buy it right now, I like knowing that I physically have the money). At the moment, I'm not going to be able to purchase monitors and will just have to run through my stereo, unfortunately (I know, that's awful).

However, in a couple months probably, I'll most likely want to get some monitors if my rig is working as expected. Could you all recommend some monitors in the $300-$400 range that would be good for pop punk/indie/metal? And does it matter if they're powered or not?

Also...this is random, but does anyone know anything about the Marshall 990/991 mic package? I'm gonna get an SM57 for sure, at the moment, but later on I'll need to get some more. Should I get that Marshall package or a SM58.

Oh, one last question: since I'm recording on a laptop, how would I connect the monitors to the computer?

Thanks very much for your help, this forum has been great.



sdevino Mon, 07/05/2004 - 11:29

Hi Rohan,
Please be sure to read the stickie on monitors at the top of this section. As always with monitors the choice is yours.

I am assuming you are a beginner and will be using the monitors to mix and track. If you go passive you will also need an amp. Either way is OK but making the passives sound good means buying an amp with plenty of headroom. So if the monitors are rated for 80W you want an amp no smaller than 150W per channel (250W would be better).

As a begiiiner I would recommend you focus on a set of speakers that are reliable and hassle free (so unless you already own an amp go active). And get something that sounds good to you.

There are at least 2 approaches to monitoring:
1. Super accurate monitors - so you can hear every detail
2. Monitors that may not sound great but for if you can make you mixes sound good in them they will sound good anywhere.

I think both of these choices apply more to pros then to casual users. Casual users are not likely to get the listening and mixing experience needed to make either of these monitors worth the time, money or effort.

For casual users I suggest using something you enjoy listening to and that you listen to alot. You are laready used to how other mixes should sound in your favorite speakers so its easy for you to correlate your own recordings to commercial recordings in a familiar system. The other issue is if you are not used to the sound of better monitors you may be very frustrated with your results when you take it out to the car or put it on your favorite mp3 player.

What do you listen to most of your music on now?


rkohli Mon, 07/05/2004 - 12:59

Hi Steve,

Thanks very much for the help so far. Right now I have my laptop running through my stereo system and I absolutely love the way music sounds on the stereo. I'm planning on using this method until I can find the right monitors I want (and save up for them....).

I think I'd want active monitors just to have less to deal w/since I'm not a pro, and I'd want monitors that don't necessarily sound great but would provide me w/the most realistic mixes and sounds.

If you've got any suggestions, that'd be great, but for now I'll be enjoyin' my stereo.

Thanks very much,



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