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Hi: New to the home recording studio setup. Need some tech advice. RODE NT1000 into Blue Icicle, into Macbook Pro, using Audacity to TRY to record. I am getting loud clicks intermittently, with no distinct pattern. I even disconnected the power cord to eliminate electrical interference as a source. Any suggestions?


TheJackAttack Fri, 04/01/2011 - 12:17

Turn the latency up on the Blue Icicle. Your buffer is too low. Also possible is your wireless radio on the computer. Disable it from the Device Manager. Another hint is to make sure your Audacity session has visible a timeline long enough to record everything you want + about half again more. So for a 5 minute song make sure there is 7.5 minutes of time showing on the screen expanded out. This is because when the screen flips to follow the waveform it can cause clicks too.
