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What do you guys prefer in terms of the lower end ($200-350) kick mics. Sennhieser E602, AKG d112, ATM25 (heard a lot about it on guitar but never kick, as its advertised for) and so on. In the market for one and just wanted to test the waters here.


Davedog Sun, 10/12/2003 - 10:13

I have been known to mic the beater side of the drum leaving the front skin intact.Usually a 421 or a nice LD condenser a foot or two off the front works with micing the beater side.I will say that for getting a track that can later be used to trigger,micing the beater side is agreat way to go about this.Its also the best way I know to isolate that little mechanical squeek that the drummer says is nonexistant......!

Having different kickdrum heads is a great way to deal with certain drummer related issues.This way you dont have to alter his kit(God Forbid) and you can get the kind of control YOU know you need in order to produce a quality sound recording. I used to keep three different sets of heads for the studio drumkit.As well as different beaters,several snaredrums as well as snares of different widths and materials,and a large array of sticks,all sizes,weights and materials.This is where a really PRO drummer becomes a Godsend.One you can put on ANY setup and catch a groove and a complete track with minimal hassle.Not to offend any drummers ,but of all of the bandmembers and their various idiosyncracies, drummers are the most superstitious,and anal about their gear!

Example:You've spent 6 hours getting "THAT SOUND" and you take a few test passes through and then put it up on the bigs in the CR.The drummer comes in and is rockin out to the sound,but you,as a good engineer,notice a bit too much interaction between the 3rd ride tom and the 2nd floor tom...a bit of tuning or just a simple little movement or a rotation of the floor tom will result in a PERFECT setup....The drummer begins that high pitched whining sound you hear a lot of during airraids....ITS A COUPLE OF INCHES OR A RETUNING!!! aint gonna happen... it'll throw off his groove....Then you find out that he hits both of the offending tubs in only one of the 12 songs they have lined up...........................................SO....after they leave for the evening,the session starts tommorrow in ernest,YOU(as a good AE) slip into the studio and use CLEAR WIDE PACKING TAPE and from the INSIDE of the offending drums you add a layer of protection so they stop ringing off each other and ruining your 6 hours of "Fun With Drummer"..... its clear tape...the drummer will never notice till he changes that head...which,since he hits it once a week ,will be NEVER........

The easy way would be to ELIMINATE the drums since they're not being used........'but its MY setup, I cant play without it,whaaaaaaawhahhahahah!' rant for the lets all have a beer.......... :c: