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Hi.. I'm new here! Came here via a link to the RecorderMan method thread. Just starting out with this whole home recording studio thing, and I'd like to try out the RecorderMan method on my drums. But I need some suggestions for some microphones. I need a pair of microphones that I can use for both overhead, and later for close Micing the snare/kick drum. (I only have two inputs). And, of course, I'm on a budget (I can swing $300-$400, maybe $500 for a pair). I've looked at the SM57s, Nady CM90, and a bunch of others. But some reviews say those are good for this, but not so good on, say the kick, and vice versa. If the mic can do guitar cabinets or acoustic guitars well as well, that's of course a bonus. I have a pair of SM58s (kick drum?) and a ADK A-51. So any recommendations would be great. Thanks!



moonbaby Fri, 01/06/2006 - 12:33

You can probably fit a 58 in for the snare. Basically it's a 57 with a pop screen ball on it. You might even find that an errant drumstick will do it less harm than the 57's plastic cap. For kick, look at an Audio-Technica AT825, or a Sennheiser MD421II. The AT is great on lowend instruments and is very tough. Also cheaper. The Senny is a classic and great on lots of stuff. An E-V RE20 is also great on kick, plus all sorts of others. Either of those last 2 will be talented workhorses down the road.The RE20 is practically bullet-proof. Yo might consider putting your $$$ into 1 of those great mics and use the 58 on snare. My 2 cents...

anonymous Sat, 01/07/2006 - 04:28

for cheap mics, i highly suggest a pair of audiotechnica's condensers (i think the model was something like AT3040 or something like that.)
they sound amazing! especially with a good tuned kit, and the recorderman method. what i do is use the recorderman method, but aim the mics for the middle toms, and then use a 57 on the snare, those combined have a very nice, sorta aggressive sound.

mrufino1 Fri, 01/13/2006 - 14:43

Are you planning on overdubbing? If you only have two inputs you'd need to either submix or overdub, in which case the overheads will serve a different purpose anyway. Why not try mono drums, 58 in the kick, a-51 on overhead, move it until it sounds good, use some compression, you may like it. You'll probably need to play wiht the 58 and add some eq too, since it's not really a kick mic, but Chili Peppers did use a 57 on kick on Blood Sugar Sex Magic and it sounds great (I think). Look at some Beatles pictures of how they mic'ed up Ringo's drums, it's a similar concept. I have gotten the best drum sounds for me yet this way, although the mics were a little different (A-51 with the royer mod on OH or my chea ribbon mic, sennheiser 602 in the kick which belonged to another guy in the band). You can hear those on , in the audio section under preproductions tracks if you want to hear how it sounded. All done on my mbox, so I only had two simultaneous inputs too.

took-the-red-pill Sun, 01/15/2006 - 00:39

If it were me and I were on a budget, I'd use my 58's on kick and snare, and I'd buy a matched pair of KEL HM-1's for overheads. Are they the greatest mic ever built? No, but they are also a hundred bones a pop. The reviews here are pretty good, and I like mine. They're 1/2" condensers, with no boost in the highs that most other cheap mic makers include. It comes out a bit flatter, and doesn't sound as juicy on the high end, but they do the trick. They seem to sound pretty natural to my ears. Probably, or maybe're Canadian)

The upside is that if you have 2 dyanmics and 2 condensers you have more variety in the sounds you're able to achieve.

by the way, a little off topic, but....

Yeah, they used hundred dollar SM57's on kick and snare on Blood Sugar Sex Magic, but they were running it through pres at a thousand bucks a channel. Many a great recording was made with a cheap mic, but few if any were ever done through cheap pres.

Think of the mic as the car, and the pre-amp as the engine. An old rusted Dodge Dart with a 429 Hemi will go like hell, but an VW engine in a Porsche won't even get you to the grocery store.

My two bits.


Midlandmorgan Sun, 01/15/2006 - 10:20

I use the referenced setup quite a lot...with this:

Overhead and side mics - ADK A51 Ser III (important detail about the ser III...the other A51s I have tried just did not cut it IMO...) through a pair of OSA MP1C

Kick - SM7 through ADesigns EM Silver card
Snare - EV DS35, SM57, or AKG D202 via ADesigns P1 card

Works well for me...
