I'm planning to upgrade a small Adat-Mackie-Studio.
(I'm not the owner, I only use the rooms. I don't want to buy Adats and 8bus-Mackie, but I can use it.)
I need some opinions about te following preamps:
Symetricx 302
Great River (ok, ok, not really...it's good I can read...)
Minprint An/DI (has digital out!)
dbx 386 (with digital interface!)
Mindprint EnVoice (optional dig modul)
Focusrite Voicemaster
Tascam MA-8 (compared to the mackie)
Tascam MX-4
My aI'm is to eliminate the need of the too big Mackie (and I have to rent it...).
I plan to buy an RME ADI-8 (pro or ds). and together with the S/PDIF and analog inputs I have 12 channels where preamps can pluged in.
(20 with an additional ADAT...)