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what about sharing our experience about amstering vst plugins ?

i worked with Yamaha Final Master and Vocal Master
it's great absoulutly for Mono tracks & specially for Vocals !
it's So Warm and easy to use !

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anonymous Thu, 08/04/2005 - 13:41

let me tell u something
do u know that rack that u use has a small processor (chip ) that process your configuration just like a computer ?!
u thing that chip is more power ful than computer's processor ?!
and do u know that chip's program witten by a Computer ?!
don't u think that code can be used for writing a program in a computer Vst !?

Rack are for table mixing , i'm talking about a computer workstation that based of a computer !

i don't think steinberg and yamaha spend their money for a game !
that's EA Sports !

iznogood Thu, 08/04/2005 - 14:03

"let me tell u something"

no... let me tell YOU something.... i think what joe meant is that he prefers ANALOG....

"do u know that rack that u use has a small processor (chip ) that process your configuration just like a computer ?! "

yes..... both joe and i know..... but if you mean the weiss on the front page it uses several DSP chips and has alot more power than your pentium.....

"u thing that chip is more power ful than computer's processor ?! "

yes.... by far

"and do u know that chip's program witten by a Computer ?! "

hopefully a human is behind the design.... we do not have thinking computers yet.... did you know that??

"don't u think that code can be used for writing a program in a computer Vst !? "

of course it could.... if the horsepower were avialble....

"Rack are for table mixing , i'm talking about a computer workstation that based of a computer ! "

racks are for people who are NOT satisfied with computers and need something better......

"i don't think steinberg and yamaha spend their money for a game ! "

maybe not.... but most yamaha and steinberg plugs are considered toys by people who earn money from mastering.....

try not to be rude..... what goes around comes around....

Michael Fossenkemper Thu, 08/04/2005 - 17:36

There are several reasons why rack gear is generally better than plugs. One is plugins are developed to be cheap, efficient, and run on various systems. Algorhythmics makes a plug that sounds great, but it costs a few grand, you can probably only run 1 plug on your system at a time, and it does one thing. It brings the whole system to a crawl. Now if you take that algorhythm and throw it in a box, design chips to run it properly and put some knobs on it so it's user friendly, then you free up your system to do what it needs to do. But then you jack up the price a bit more. Also guys that design really great algorhythms like to stick it in hardware so it can't be ripped off.

So that's why hardware that is serious about sounding good is so expensive. It's basically a proprietary computer designed to do one thing. You can do it on your computer but it's going to cost just about as much but it really hogs all that horsepower to do other things like screen redraws.

Massive Mastering Thu, 08/04/2005 - 22:43

I dunno about the rest of you, but most of my analog gear has NO digital function at all. Some (non-computerized) IC's perhaps... But certainly no processing power.

You want a good set of plugs though? Get the UAD collection. Great stuff. Still doesn't have the headroom of quality analog gear, but they're about the best plugs I've used.

Reggie Fri, 08/05/2005 - 14:13

Raoul Duke wrote:

Also these are the best which I think blow away even UAD and URS

I went to Berklee to learn how to use them, so if you do get them be safe and wise.........

The Duke

That is awesome. :lol: I haven't seen those before. Price is a little steep, but I think it is worth it to have a digital simulation of all those nice preamps. Good to know I can free up a PCI port by ditching my UAD1 now.

anonymous Fri, 08/05/2005 - 14:51

I wanted to see if the mods here would let me do a training course on them. I could fly trainees out to my house in the mountains near denver and have a 5 day boot camp in their use.

Kind of like Survivor for mastering engineers...........Then at the end we could all burn our UAD Cards in effigy...........

See what happens when you pull a 20 hour studio session......and they dont let you gets a bit squirrely frodo baggins.


Angstaroo Fri, 08/05/2005 - 15:54

Raoul Duke wrote: Hair Plugs! :-?

I have been playing around with the URS stuff and have had some good results.

But I still like the analog (even the olde spelling of it)

Also these are the best which I think blow away even UAD and URS

I went to Berklee to learn how to use them, so if you do get them be safe and wise.........

The Duke

The Virtual Studio Visitor is the funniest thing I've seen in a long time. I had a long, hearty laugh at that one, with one of my roommates looking at me like I grew a new head.

Cucco Mon, 10/03/2005 - 05:11

I've been using (and liking a LOT) some of the stuff from Wave Arts (a new advertiser here nonetheless) and I've gotta say - anything that my Waves bundles could do, these can do better and easier. Not to mention, they're far less expensive. They're worth a try to say the least. (That is, if you're gonna use plugs...)


anonymous Fri, 10/07/2005 - 11:20

I like the URS EQ Plugins, Kjaerhus, PSP MasterComp, Voxengo, and UAD. Plugins are "good" but they don't take the place of high quality hardware gear YET, mainly because analog gear has been around for many years, these engineers, creators, designers have had years to perfect the kind of sound they want to come out of this gear. Plugins will have their day as the technology gets better and better, but the way music sound today I'm sure everyone would agree that you could make a reasonably good sounding recording strickly in the digital domain with plugs.


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