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I know we've talked about reverb units before, but I don't think these were mentioned. Seem that Boss just came out with an [=""]emulation[/]="http://guitars.musi…"]emulation[/] of a Fender 63 reverb tank. Has anyone tried it yet? I have not even given their [[url=http://="http://guitars.musi…"]Deluxe reverb/vibrato emulation[/]="http://guitars.musi…"]Deluxe reverb/vibrato emulation[/] a shot. Any thoughts on that one.

I sat in once with a surf group where the lead guitarist had one of those reissue 63 tanks. Great unit. Can't see my way to buying it, but at $130 a good pedal would be tempting - seeing how Matchless Hurricane has no reverb and the verb in my Blues Jr. is pretty anemic.


jg49 Wed, 09/23/2009 - 08:22

Have not tried the emulation but this a post I put up when buying the Conrad amp.
"Well I purchased four different pedals, Boss RV-5, Digitech RV-7, Holy Grail, and Boss FDR1 (Fender Deluxe Reverb) and did a side by side comparison. I agree with Song4gabriel the Digitech pedal sounded the best. The Boss RV-5 had almost an identical sound but seemed like it drained tone, the Holy Grail was Ok but for $40.00 more the digitech which is smaller has a much greater variety of reverbs, plate, spring, hall, gated etc. and claims to have a true bypass. The Fender pedal was by far the worst of the lot. So three go back, one stays. Oh and I checked out the Carl Martin site, cool stuff but no reverb pedal. He says he is working on one but has no idea when it will be ready."
I've been happy with the pedal, it is not quite a true spring reverb but very close has a nice air to it. I have sound clips of when I tested all of them if you want I could post them someplace.

This is the thread {old-link-removed}

jg49 Thu, 09/24/2009 - 02:17

Ah, so this is a new pedal, didn't realize that. My "test" wasn't all that scientific I simply bought them set them to what I thought were similar levels of spring reverb recorded them and made a decision. I did not tweak them seven ways to sundown. I don't like that much reverb in my sound certainly not anywhere near surf sound. If you are going to test pedals though I would give the Digi RV7 a shot. Interested to know what you think if you try them.

jg49 Thu, 09/24/2009 - 03:41

I have been using the pedal and I am still happy with it, I know all these pedal co.'s claim true bypass but this one seems to really have it. The battery died in the pedal the other night at a gig and usually when that happens I have problems, noise, tone loss, etc. but none of that I only noticed because I was missing reverb and went to turn it up.


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