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What are your 5 favorite pieces of gear? (= gear you trust and couldn't do without - not necessarily the best and most expensive stuff out there)

Mine are (in no particular order):

- SM57
- Sony DRE-S777 reverb
- AKG K270 headphones
- gaffer tape
- Waves Renaissance EQ

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anonymous Mon, 11/01/2004 - 12:53

First of, I think listing a rack full of gear is cheating! Why not put all of my preamps, effects, patchbays, interfaces and converters into one rack and count them as one piece? The API lunchbox is close to the line, but I don't think crosses it. Anyway, here's mine:

-Auralex Max Wall (seems to make more of a difference in my studio than the speakers themselves)
-Pair of Earthworks SRO's
-Focusrite ISA428
-Pair of Royer R121's
-Patchbay (thanks for the idea Kurt, I wouldn't have thought of it but I definitely couldn't live without it)

Honorable mention goes to my set of multicolored Mogami microphone cables, which in addition to looking cool make it much easier to remember which microphone is plugged into what, especially when I'm recording a drumset.

I also think it's cool that John listed the Pro VLA. One of the more underrated compressors out there right now, and only three hundred bucks to boot...


KurtFoster Mon, 11/01/2004 - 14:09

Duardo wrote: First of, I think listing a rack full of gear is cheating! Why not put all of my preamps, effects, patchbays, interfaces and converters into one rack and count them as one piece?


mmm-kay, that works for meeeee! :mrgreen:

I just can't choose which of the pres I would rather be without and which one would stay ... I guess I could say, "any great pre amp" ...

I am getting a new [[url=http://[/URL]=""]JLM TMP8[/]=""]JLM TMP8[/] soon, when it arrives, we can switch my "rack of pres" for "JLM TMP8".

Davedog Mon, 11/01/2004 - 17:05

...I'm glad someone mentioned the ears...I never go anywhere without em.....

I could never do what I do without all those years of trial and error....wait a sec......OH ..its not over yet...cancel that thought

allseriousness aside:

Dbx 900 rack..specifically the overeasy egg warmer...(903 comp)

Second the VLA(you high-end guys have gotta get one ..I keep harpin)

My comfy chair

The Taylor-Made Guitar...bought because it sounded the best for recording.

At LEAST 10 year old single malt scotch...

theres a lot of 'other crap' which borders on needs, but those are the essentials

Davedog Mon, 11/01/2004 - 20:58

You really should get the new one...its got digital outs and nice converters. I'd loan you mine but it needs new tubes...its still working fine just needs a polishing....

I mean you like the SP's.....this is more of the ACTUAL quality-built and useful inexpensive piece of kit. But then you already know what I think about it...

johnwy Thu, 11/04/2004 - 12:17

I think that if it were the late 70's, early 80's I'd say the 5 must haves were....

1. An 8 ball of coke
2. 1 sharp razor blade
3. a 100 dollar bill rolled up like a straw (or a plastic straw from McDonald's cut to about 4" in length if you blew the 100 bucks on item #1)
4. a 6" x 6" mirror on the producers desk at either end of the console
5. and that bottle of 10 year old scotch that davedog mentioned to wash it all down

you can substitute #5 with a couple of coke-whore-sluts from weehawken new jersey if the liquor store was closed...... :wink:

........of course, sadly, those days are over :cry:

maintiger Fri, 11/05/2004 - 08:46

My #1 favorite is my martin acoustic-electric- had it for a couple years now and is so nice...
#2 Has to be Digital performer- I would be nowhere without it
Next must be the front end to my recording chain, mics, pres and AD- If I must pick favorites I will have to say mic (#3) will be my old RCA D77, #4 my Grace pre and #5 My apogee rosetta
Honorable mention goes to all my soft synths (mach Five, garritan, Atmosphere, etc)
Kudos to all the other recording programs I use as well- where would I be without you! :D

Hey, I left out the most important one, my computer, I'd be toast without you! 8) I must be taking you for granted, my hard working friend :D

anonymous Sat, 11/20/2004 - 09:51

lol this should be easy for me, i probably only have 5 pcs of gear HAHAH

no paticular order....

Sebatron vmp 2000 e

ATC SCM 20-2 pro Monitors

RME 9652 card with ADI 8 DS pro breakout box

p4 -3.0 with Samplitude pro and UAD-1

other then mentioning the odds like, Lexicon LXP-1, couple of tweeked art levelar comps and patch bay and stuff,, Sen md 421 mic,

last but not least

the variable " gear box" that i guess we find in ourselves to want to research and purchase is an important part of the rack ' system" i think. :)

hey , can we do one with 5 pcs of gear weed like to add ???



JoeH Sat, 11/20/2004 - 09:52

My five would have to include:

1. My pair of B&K (now DPA) 4006 omni's. I've had them for over 15 years now....worth double their original price, and still in use 3-4 times a week.

2. Samplitude/Sequoia. (V8 coming soon, they say.)

3. Mackie ONYX 1640 with the Firewire card. (Ok, this is REALLY a new toy, it's favorite because it's new and it works!!)

4. My pair of AT-4050's. Such wonderful mics for the $$.

5. A $25 external firewire 3.5" drive bay from CompUSA. I leave the top open and swap out HD's whenever they fill up. I still backup to DVD-ROM and CDs for the masters, but for about $1 a gig, I'm backing up eveyrthing to HD now as well. Swapping the drives takes mere seconds with this thing. It's stupid-silly-cheap, and saves me from opening the computer every other week to pull a drive out. Why didn't they think of this SOONER. ;-)

Hehe....I don't do EITHER kind of coke anymore, and razor blades are only good nowadays for opening store-bought CDs.

