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Hi guys, I remixed a song we did last year and want some feedback about the mix please.
I am trying to find more depth in my mix after my earlier efforts were pretty flat and
not really wanting a second listen . thanks


Attached files zz master blues singin_3.mp3 (6.5 MB) 

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pcrecord Wed, 05/10/2017 - 16:47

I love the song and the perfo.
There is something wrong in the drums.. There is a verb ringing in the snare and in a bit of the rest of the drum.. like a bad bleed.. (a bit more on the right side too)
Did you add this reverb or was it in the recording process ?
Also the drums could be more present and close (if you make them sound right)

To add more depth, you could eliminate a few reverbs in the instruments and put a common one on the band...
But there is more to depth than reverbs. The pans and EQ of the instruments could help. . . for an exemple cutting a bit of the bass 80hz to let the BD fit in etc...

I'd like to hear it raw.. it's hard to know if what's bothering me comes from the mix or the recording process ;)

Smashh Thu, 05/11/2017 - 09:18

Hey thanx for the fb Marco . Ive cleaned it up and taken some verb off . Then Ive put a reverb on an aux and
got most things except drums and bass going to that verb( with lpf and hpf so only to try and get a little beefiness.)

So I feel like the drum bass are better now but the guitars have a metallic annoying drone going on .
Also when this was recorded the was an earth loop buzz going on which can be heard more at times now.
Ive made an alligator clip wire from the desk chassis that clips on to the tailpiece behind the bridge
recently and that works and the sound is cleaner ( thank goodness ) .

Does the drum sound better for you , Im thinking it was the phoenix verb that was the problem last time?


Attached files zz master blues singin woman_2.mp3 (6.5 MB) 


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