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I've searched the archives and learned alot! However, I still thought it worthwhile to post my query...

I'm a new DAW user coming from the ADAT world. I'm using Pro Tools LE 6.4 (waiting for 6.7 upgrade CD) with an M-Box and an iMac G5 20. I'm already using decent mics, pre's and compression while tracking.

I'm in need of a simple, good and transparent EQ and Comp/Limiter plugin as a well as a good and simple Reverb and Delay plug in. I will these mainly on buses and the master. The type of plugins available baffle me! RTAS, VST, etc, etc...

I'm not really looking for these plugins to impart any sonic character, as I like the sounds going to "tape".

Are there any bundles available that would be more afforable to handle this? I looked at the UA site and am really intrigued, but I couldn't find a bundle being offered.



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Kev Sun, 02/27/2005 - 21:59

RTAS will keep you closer to Digidesign product and I feel in the long run this will help you.

I think the Digi Limiter is useful

Digi Comp is fair and I do use it.
Digi single band EQ is good for Hi pass and Lo pass BUT I wish I could do both in one plug.

Generally Digi EQ is ordinary.

I do make most use of the Focusrite EQ and Comp
ff2 and ff3 I think they are called.

Things to look for could be the
Waves Ren Comp
Waves Ren EQ
Waves Vocal Comp
Waves L1 / L2

these 4 waves plugs are very easy to use and abuse

Maxim is fair for the mix bus BUT I don't use it on sub groups.
Impact is good ... is this RTAS ??

A plug called Channel Strip was very popular ... I wonder why ? :roll:
quite versatile but does have a very busy interface.


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