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i'm wondering which plugins are generally used in real time and which ones make use of audiosuite and permanently change the file - i don't run any outboard gear, so all the compression, eqs, etc are all done via plugins. any opinions are appreciated. thanks,



LittleDogAudio Wed, 07/06/2005 - 12:19

Well, I only really commit to AS when I'm running out of CPU and need to free-up some juice.

I always run my verbs and delays as rtas because there are usually multiple sources hitting them.

If you use an AS, always make a duplicate of the track first so that you can easily revert to the un-treated track if needed.

Hope this helps,


anonymous Wed, 07/06/2005 - 13:37

thanks chris, that does help a lot. when you said that there are multiple sources hitting the verbs/delays, do you use buses to route different tracks through each? and could you give me an example of how this works and which tracks you would do this for?

also, i would like to use all RTAS, but for some reason i was having some problems. i had recorded a couple acoustic guitar parts and had added some RTAS compression, reverb, eq, etc to the guitars. when i had the vocalist in to record the vocals, they would record fine, but then they'd show up a little bit off of time, because of latency issues. i took off the plugins, re-recorded, and the audio tracks were right on. i should have enough processing power, i just built a brand new daw with all the bells and whistles. any help with this? thanks again,



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