7 January 2004
I use Reason and just installed an update of Pro Tools. Do you find that rewiring produces a better sound? Is Pro Tools's dithering better than Reason's downsampling?
audio in Reason does sound weird, to me at least. I dumped in a
audio in Reason does sound weird, to me at least. I dumped in a bunch of drum samples I recorded in the studio and then edited into hits in protools, then reason makes it sound a bit duller... I have been back and forth like a zillion times ab'ing the same samples in ProTools and then in Reason... I like the program tho. When I export the wavs out of reason, and import them back into protools, they sound fine tho.
Digital equipment doesnt color sound much if at all, especially
Digital equipment doesnt color sound much if at all, especially when talking about dithering and downsampling. You wont be able to hear the difference. The main debate about what digital equipment sounds "better" is between Sampling Rate and Sampling Resolution (16, 44Khz, 24, 96Khz, 24, 192Khz). If you ever get the chance, listen to each variation and see if you hear a difference.