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Here’s one I’ve been working on. any feedback or ideas

Attached files me too remaster.mp3 (8.5 MB) 


LarryQualm2 Fri, 01/22/2021 - 18:25

I've cycled through hardware and had the Massive Passive, Manley Vari-Mu, + some others. Never again though.

Dan Weiss says his plugs are a 1:1 code transfer off hardware units costing 10K a pop. I've always said if Weiss puts their code into plugs, I'm
ITB for good. Well, here we are.

Still don't have it in me to sell it all yet. I got the Sontec about a year ago and have yet to even try it out. ...Just got away from hardware, myself.

pcrecord Sat, 01/23/2021 - 13:05

eternalsound, post: 467028, member: 48927 wrote:
Dan Weiss says his plugs are a 1:1 code transfer off hardware units costing 10K a pop. I've always said if Weiss puts their code into plugs, I'm
ITB for good. Well, here we are.

It's true that plugins are becoming more and more equal to hardwares these days.
When you compare a recorded signal doing roundtrip to an external hardware and compare it to its plugin clones, many are very convincing.
But there is something that can't be replaced is the capture of the initial sound. Having an analog compressor or an EQ on the way is something you can't replace ITB.
Of course many interfaces comes with DSP processing now, but it happens in the digital realm which makes it different.
Having a great preamp is also emulated with DSPs but it aint the same, specially when it comes to harmonic distortions and plain saturation.
I don't know I feel that organic stuff still need to happen before becoming ones and zeros.
Once the track is recorded, yes ! I'm100% with you, once in the box stays in the box is a great plan for mixing.
Then I bet many mastering engineer will get your work out in the analog world for the final touch anyway.. ;)

Davedog Sat, 01/23/2021 - 14:07

My studio Guru has just this last year, thrown all the ProTools off and has gone UAD and Luna. He still has some of his treasured hardware, a REDD47 pre, 1176, LA2A, and he still works in PT as a cross platform. His work is national so most people who get contracted through whats left of the business are all required to have the latest PT in their riders.

Anyway....He loves the Luna system and says it sounds as good as if not better than many of the large rooms he's worked in LA and Nashvilliage.

LarryQualm2 Wed, 01/27/2021 - 16:21

pcrecord, post: 467038, member: 46460 wrote:
It's true that plugins are becoming more and more equal to hardwares these days.
When you compare a recorded signal doing roundtrip to an external hardware and compare it to its plugin clones, many are very convincing.
But there is something that can't be replaced is the capture of the initial sound. Having an analog compressor or an EQ on the way is something you can't replace ITB.
Of course many interfaces comes with DSP processing now, but it happens in the digital realm which makes it different.
Having a great preamp is also emulated with DSPs but it aint the same, specially when it comes to harmonic distortions and plain saturation.
I don't know I feel that organic stuff still need to happen before becoming ones and zeros.
Once the track is recorded, yes ! I'm100% with you, once in the box stays in the box is a great plan for mixing.
Then I bet many mastering engineer will get your work out in the analog world for the final touch anyway.. ;)

I totally agree with you regarding virtual instruments. In fact, I kinda caved on the concept because I get it all right in front of me now. Combine this with that fact that some are at "very good" sounding these days. Not all though - even the "very good" have yet to make "excellent" then "magnificent" to compete with what you are saying. I 100% agree with what you've said, and whether they make the other two grades, who knows when or if anyway.

Also, I record like a kid doodles ...on occasion. No clients - it's not like that.

Thanks, PC. I always like when you comment or respond. You're of the most knowledgeable guys I know. :)

The Great Fall Sun, 01/31/2021 - 16:31

I’m by no means a mixing or mastering engineer but as a guitar player a hobby of mine when I have time is to build small class a single ended tube amps. As good as they may sound guitar amp modelers will never be equal to what orange drops and Mullard gold pin 10m 12ax7 tubes can do. The sag of a maxed out 5y3 creates a touch sensitivity that for me at least actually changes the way I play... something a plug in has yet to ever do for me

Davedog Mon, 02/01/2021 - 06:12

The hardware vs software discussion can go on for days and days. And everyone would be right all at the same time!

In terms of the guitarist and the 'feel' theres really nothing like a tube amp on the edge. Yes it completely changes the way you approach each note. Its a living breathing thing. I have some really nice custom built amps as well as a couple of classics. They all inspire in different ways. But the common thread is the 'feel'. The 'sag' if you will. It always gives me the feel of being in Frankensteins laboratory with the Tesla coils going off when the bottles are all hot and getting that noise.

That said I don't think there's a single person who can point out a guitar part in a mix that's been played with resolve and finesse and inspiration that is being played through an amp or through a software emulation if the emulation is on a higher order of quality.

I think at some point it becomes a personal preference for the player relating entirely to the feel/sensitivity/response/etc of the rig set up.

I have friends with Kemper, Axe, Helix etc....I've played through them and heard some amazing sounds with the ones the owners have spent the time customizing the settings for themselves some are stunning. I still use my Eleven rack for nearly everything guitar. Even with "several" high-end tube amps. Why? Because out of all of them that I have experienced and I want to make that clear this is what I have experienced, the Eleven 'feels' more like a balls out tube amp than any other interface with a analog input. But thats just me. Of course both of my Elevens have been personalized.

However VIVA la TUBES. Next on my list is a tube interface preamp for guitar. Like y'all say....ain't nothing like it. One of my amps has a mic level output from the power section with a transformer. NOT a DI in the normal sense. And I can't really say enough about the Rivera Rockcrusher for those that need the power tubes glowing and heating the room. 100 watt Marshalls actually are kinda clean when they're loud. They just feel like a million bucks when they're turned up. Rockcrusher can do.