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I'm new to and seeking advice about the REDD47 mic preamp. In a previous thread I saw that there are different manufacturers like Hinson and MAL, and I've found a new one from Revolution.

Does anyone have any experience with the Revolution units? The site says it's just starting to ship, and doesn't provide any specs. Maybe someone has had a chance to preview it or better yet, compare it to the MAL.




anonymous Sat, 01/29/2005 - 03:56

Denney wrote:

Hi AudioGaff,
Yes that's right. For anyone who's interested, the Beatles Albums that were recorded using the desk with REDD47 amps are:

'A Hard Day's Night'
'Beatles For Sale'
'Rubber Soul'
'Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band'
'The Beatles' (White Album)
'Yellow Submarine'
'Let It Be'

There were also the many recordings that were released as singles that weren't initially on albums, such as 'Ticket To Ride'/ 'Yes It Is', 'We Can Work It Out'/'Day Tripper', 'Paperback Writer'/'Rain', 'Strawberry Fields Forever'/ 'Penny Lane' etc. All in all, quite a catalogue!

Okay....but what did they use on their good records?

anonymous Thu, 02/10/2005 - 13:35

I can't seem to open 3rd page for some reason, so thought I'd post something to see what happens

1st, Kurt, did you ever get a Redd 47 to try out?

2nd, Audiogaff,,, you made mention of adding one to a must have list,, have you?

also you said that the Fearn pre was an all time fav.. so I'd like a comparison on the two if you did get the Redd


AudioGaff Thu, 02/10/2005 - 18:10

Don't have one yet. I am sure enough and brave enough to just buy one with out hearing it first, but I also have a good amount and such a variety to choose from now, that I'm also not in a big hurry. My current sites are set om my 4th Eventide, this one a H8000A and 16-ch Apogee A/D/A.

If I wasn't so happy with what I've been gettiing from my ViPre, I'd likely be in a bigger hurry for the REDD. Stupid me, I walked by them twice at AES in SF thinking I would come back, but I ended up flaking out on myself...

Still have the Fearn on my list. As much as I love the Fearn for the ultimate tube tone, I bought the ViPre which is not as heavy but still has a great solid tube tone and is far more flexable in tone adjustment. The DI is alos key as the Fearn doesn't have one. That and it is a real client pleaser to see, hear and have on my gear list.

anonymous Thu, 02/10/2005 - 18:30

Thanks for the update guys,

yes, i was wundering what to get as a DI for the Fearn,,, I know he was planning to make a 2 channel rack style DI , not sure if it ever took off...

Maybe Sebatron? i'll have to see if its a dual input,,

Anyway, hope you get your hands on one Kurt,,

peace for now


anonymous Fri, 02/11/2005 - 12:48

response from Revolution

The Revolution products can no longer use the name REDD.47 because of a
legal agreement with EMI. However, the core amplification circuit is
not going to change, simply the name. There have been revisions to the
power supply circuit in order to improve the noise specs, and a change
in the input structure to allow line level signal processing.

I also spoke with John, re group purchase, i hope to talk to Chris and Kurt about the details


Fruition2k Fri, 02/11/2005 - 20:30

mikE@THECAVE wrote: looks like they got sued by EMI for the redd47 copy so hes coming out with a new model that has some differences

Its such a bummer for John as I know he's poured much of the past 5 years or so into the REDD 47. EMI found out and put the pressure on, no suit actually happened as far as I know and he does have the name trademarked.

The release of the new TG gear has caused the main problems, I'm sure most dont realize 90% of the Beatle recordings were done in studio 2 at Abbey Road - through REDD47's- Only the last album was done on the TG- (transistor desk).

Those making the new TG gear has been given the schematics to all of the TG stuff that EMI had, but John has the ONLY "pre TG" meaning tube "REDD" schematics known, you see the dilema for both.

I can imagine both companies have put hard work into recreating wonderful classic gear for all, I'm sure the goal for both is manufacturing those former designs as best as that can be made.

When it comes to the REDD 47 I wont say if you have this mic pre you'll get instant Beatle/Abbey Road "sound", there are many many factors in what we hear in those recordings in relation to the signal chain and acoustics. But I never grown bored or tired of using mine after nearly 5 years. Occassionally there are moments as I'm recordings I'll recognize a texture or quality thats amazing, shades of the past if you will....everytime I hear it, I just want to call John and thank him one more time for such a fine recreation.


Fruition2k Sat, 02/12/2005 - 07:34

Mics..? You may be suprised but my RE20 is very much a favorite of mine along with my Neumanns, my KM254 is my avatar there on the left. I do love on certain songs the M269, hard to beat on softer female vocals.
I'm going out on a limb to say this, and some may disagree but the mic pre has more of an impact on a recording than any particular mic does. 60% of what I hear comes from the pre....(that 3-D sound Geoff Emerick says he missed when the transistor desk was installed).
Moving up to the REDD has completely changed how I eq, compress, and mix. I really dont like compression, limiters give me much better results. Had a sweet LA2A John had built for me but had to sell a bunch of stuff last year for a house purchase which killed me. I hate letting gear go...we've talked recently and plans to build me another but with REDD amplifiers inside, kinda like a LA47 or you might say a REDD2A!
He's done it before for a customer several years ago and the results were to die for.

My currently my signal path is Mic-REDD-Inovonics 201-EAG passive eq-Lucid 9624-Protools.
Inovonics 201?? My only limiter...!
My studio is a private project studio, continually working on my own material.
Whats the most important item? The song and the arrangement!

I'll look through what I feel best exemplifies the REDD's qualities,
whats the best place to post clips these days?


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