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What a challenge.
Im simple, I like old school play rewind fast forward record
push the button and go
Ive had tape machines, Adats, HD 24, and now using the Behringer X Touch with 2 Extenders to have 24 tracks of control.
Its a studio in my home, mostly for my projects.
I find I havent been using the X touch at all, other than play and record.
Thats expensive 2K for just a few buttons. I stand when I play and record and find I wish I had my mics plugged in with faders and eq on my 7 foot rack so that I can walk up and pull the fader up and use the eq. believe it or not Ive been looking at the really old Tascam M-208 Mixer. Then I though for control I could use a PreSonus faderport. 1 channel, with the simple controls.
I use reaper, and mis with harrison mixbus. Im going into a clarett 4 pre.
Any suggestions would be helpful.


phantomvintageclosed Wed, 08/29/2018 - 20:53

Yeah me too the retro look is great. I think I may be ok based on some of the things Ive been recording. as far as that noise goes on the 48k
took everything out
cleaned the ribbon cable connector etc
I just sold something tonight so the good news is the mackie knob is leaving and Im picking up the radial mc3 tomorrow afternoon
gonna start from stratch
hook up the monitors then computer, then one piece at a time and see if I can find anything
test all cables etc
getting worried about the 428 did a bass track and its distorting in the speakers but it doesnt through the clarett
digital or analog, doesn't matter
I thing if I start over I may be able to troubleshoot and its needed at this time too

kmetal Wed, 08/29/2018 - 23:39

One thing at a time is the way to test. It could be a gain staging issue causing the distortion. I'd be curious if you get the same result on bass thru different channels of the 428 with the same settings, or if it's one channel only. At this point I'd be looking for a refund from the seller.

phantomvintageclosed Thu, 08/30/2018 - 05:13

Hey K-Metal if I was to forfeit the Toslink I thin it would be between these 2 units. Im getting really cold feet about a used unit now.
Dont want to get into that headache and want a warranty.



Are there any other options?
Only thing I can say I dont like about these 2 units is where the transport control is, because thats where Ill be spending most of my time.

kmetal Thu, 08/30/2018 - 17:55

They look very similar in feature set, either one will probably do just fine. I noticed some of the zoom features are disabled at the 96k sample rates, but it is good to have the 96k ability as that's generally the standard sample rate. That said there's nothing wrong still with 44.1. I'd tend to lean towards the tascam since I happen to be a fan of their tape machines. The zooms 96k capability is something that's important to me.

That said maybe you could find some samples online to hear of one sounds any better, or if there is a significant price difference, that might solve it.

It's really tough to say, having not used either of them. Either one will probably do the trick as a standalone unit.

My personal taste still leans toward the x32 since integrates so tightly with a daw. Unless the plan is to move entirely in the portable studio, a good daw workflow is going to be necessary.

phantomvintageclosed Fri, 08/31/2018 - 12:52

Very very interesting.
I cant believe how clean my speakers sound. Thanks so much Kyle. I picked up the MC3.
So starting from scratch I hooked up the clarett only and its clean. As soon as I connected 2 xlr outs of the 428 to trs ins to the clarett. Ground Loop.
Tried everything cant get rid of the hum. So I used outputs 3 and 4. No hum. What?
then the digital connection, I cant seem to get it to make that noise that shows up on the channel meter. But 1st cable was the one I used before. Used a second and there was
tons of digital popping. I have over 8 cables. I tried another and recorded. Clean no noise.
So as of now I have 2 analog outs from the 428 and the 8 digital outs connected to the clarett and its clean.
I may just have to leave it like that. Now Im going tro try that bass again the thye 429 Instrument jacks.
We have some movement.

kmetal Fri, 08/31/2018 - 18:12

Glad the mc3 is working for ya! Digital cables can be flaky just like any others, I solwvd what o thought was a clocking issue one time just by swapping the cable. As far as the hum, it would seem odd to me that it's a ground loop issue since it only does it on two channels, but stranger things have happened. Either way a triplite isolation transformer will give your gear it's own isolated ground, as well as a breaker for protecyion.

I'm not technically knowledge able enough to suss out the internal issues of the Isa, so I'm kinda stumped. One thing I would try is a different instrument to see if you've got the same issue. Beyond that I'm not entirely sure.

kmetal Fri, 08/31/2018 - 20:27

Looking good buddy. Is that cassete player from the 80's? My dad had a zenith one that was silver like that and built like a tank, I wish I kept it. Also what's that thing above the guitar amp?

My setup is still all boxed up so not much fun to look at, torturous actually to look at instead of use lol

What are you powering the ns-10s with??

kmetal Fri, 08/31/2018 - 20:48

phantomvintagegear, post: 458828, member: 40493 wrote: Yeah i bought that cassette new in the 80s its a yamaha. One owner and i put so many miles on it and not once has it ever broke down.

Above the guitar amp is a custom built tube amp with 4 6L6s
That powers the aratones and the ns10s
The avantones are powered. Cant believe how much better they sound without the big knob. Thx for that.

Awsome man! I'm glad you got rid of the big slob!

phantomvintageclosed Thu, 09/20/2018 - 05:52

So the search still continues. Got the Behringer X-touch One and its better than the fader port 1, however still waiting for the faderport V2
but Im not convinced this is going to do it for me.
I still want to record out of the computer.

So I like the look of the Tascam model 24, but because they made it an interface and mixer as well, the transport controls (which I will use frequently are above the middle of the unit.
The Tascam does not have 96K (Ive never checked to see how much different that would be. The Tascam does not have a remote footswitch. It has eq right on the console, love that.

The Zoom Live Track L-20 does have 96K. It also has a footswitch for recording and also a bluetooth adapter to be controlled by a free app via Ipad.
I like the look of the Tascam much better though. So the interesting thing is the Live Track L-12 has the transport where I want it at the bottom. But the L-20 has it more near the top like the tascam.

I believe these are both interfaces as well as mixers and stand alone recorders. I also believe they both have motorized faders (correct me if Im wrong).

I want to record with this type of platform and any midi samples mixing and mastering would be done in the computer via Reaper, Mixbus and or Cubase.
Too bad they didnt have a lightpipe in so that I cold take my Focusrite ISA 428 out into that.

Based on this information, which would you guys recommend?

And my curiosity also lies in the quality of the mic pres. I heard the zoom is fantastic. But I dont know.
And would I benefit going out of the Isa 428 xlr to a line in of the unit.

Things are coming to a close and I want to get back to recording which is what I love to do.
Once I solve this issue I believe I have everything I need to be super productive.

I have looked at all the older units Akai DSP24, Korg SD32 and SD3200, Roland VS240, and more, but these units are all quite old
and anything can go wrong at anytime. So Ive decided to go with something new.

My ideal machine would look like this

16-24-32 channels
Adat lightpipe connections
midi connection but not compulsory
xlr.trs combo with Phantom
Love eq on the strip
USB to computer
24 bit 96k

and obviously other perks like ipad control remote control etc.

Any help trying to narrow this down would be greatly appreciated.
Are there any others besides these?
Im sure companies will stop making these soon, and was quite surprised that Tascam made that move with the Model 24 due in Oct.

pcrecord Thu, 09/20/2018 - 06:31

phantomvintagegear, post: 459073, member: 40493 wrote: And would I benefit going out of the Isa 428 xlr to a line in of the unit.

For quiet sources and dynamic mics, there is no doubt the ISA will give you better noiseless gain even if you put it through the line in of another unit.
For critical recordings, I still want a clear path from the ISA to the converters (unless you use the optionnal converter card) but that's just me being a quality freak !! ;)

pcrecord Thu, 09/20/2018 - 06:40

phantomvintagegear, post: 459076, member: 40493 wrote: I do have th optional card on the ISA but none of those units have a digital toslink input

I know digital mixers and multichannel recorders rarely have Adat connexions.. It's like if they just say, here, you wanted it all in one package, no need for future expension...
It's very different with audio interfaces, my old RME FF800 has 2 ADAT in/outs. So I can record the 8 ch in 96khz ;)

I'm sure you'll find your way and a workflow that suits you.

pcrecord Thu, 09/20/2018 - 06:42

phantomvintagegear, post: 459077, member: 40493 wrote: The ISA excels between it and the brick
but can get some great sounds when used together

Many promote having different preamps to avoid some frequency or texture buildup. That's why I went with 8 ISA and a variety of others. But Someday, I wonder if I wouldn't be more happy with 16 ISA or more.. Like them too much !! ;)

pcrecord Thu, 09/20/2018 - 06:57

phantomvintagegear, post: 459081, member: 40493 wrote: Great units.
As far as the recorders, will it really affect me if I record at 48K or 96K
I have been recording with 24/48 for a long time

This is a debate that is going on since 96khz came available...
On one side, many said they couldn't hear the difference (but those leading this idea mostly had highend converters)
On the other side, it was said that making the plugins work at 96khz was allowing for better processed sound even when converted back to 44 - 48 (but today most DAW do oversampling anyway)

I did track full bands at 44 - 48 - 88 and 96khz. To me, with the equipement I use, 96khz sounds better. But you need to do this test for yourself...
Storage is affordable now so it's not an issue if the files are bigger.

phantomvintageclosed Sat, 09/22/2018 - 08:27

What about something as simple as this to record with and simple to bounce to computer to finish example virtual instrument tracks etc, but have the ability to record quickly and eficiently.
It records at 96kh at 24 bit but its unclear if I can play back that many tracks at that bit rate. Do you see this as a viable option as opposed to the tascam model 24 and the zoom L-12

phantomvintageclosed Sat, 09/22/2018 - 10:43

phantomvintagegear, post: 459090, member: 40493 wrote: What about something as simple as this The Zoom R24 to record with and simple to bounce to computer to finish example virtual instrument tracks etc, but have the ability to record quickly and efficiently.
It records at 96kh at 24 bit but its unclear if I can play back that many tracks at that bit rate. Do you see this as a viable option as opposed to the tascam model 24 and the zoom L-12

Also leaning towards the Zoom L-20 because it can do 48/96 as a recorder and playback 20 tracks. funny the interface part doe

pcrecord Sat, 09/22/2018 - 19:02

phantomvintagegear, post: 459090, member: 40493 wrote: It records at 96kh at 24 bit but its unclear if I can play back that many tracks at that bit rate.

The playback count depends on the processing the computer can acheive. Remember the more you add plugins, the more work it has..
A focusrite 2i2 can playback 128tracks if the computer can handle the work the daw needs to do..
It's a common thing to use a small buffer size to record (and acheive low latency) and switch to bigger buffer settings for mixing.. Some will pass from 256k to 1024k everytime... just saying ;)

phantomvintageclosed Sat, 09/22/2018 - 19:14

pcrecord, post: 459100, member: 46460 wrote: The playback count depends on the processing the computer can acheive. Remember the more you add plugins, the more work it has..
A focusrite 2i2 can playback 128tracks if the computer can handle the work the daw needs to do..
It's a common thing to use a small buffer size to record (and acheive low latency) and switch to bigger buffer settings for mixing.. Some will pass from 256k to 1024k everytime... just saying ;)

I was referring to the stand alone un it not the computer

kmetal Sun, 09/23/2018 - 22:43

To me either of the all in one units will sound similar in quality, at that level its about features. I'm still unclear why the x-32 has been ruled out, since it allows your PC to function as a multi track tape macine and vsti host, allowing you to mix and eq on the digital mixer. To me its a higher quality and better integrated unit than the standalones, since your really using them for the mixer anyway, and are intending on using vstis, and the computer either way.

phantomvintageclosed Mon, 09/24/2018 - 05:01

Hey Kmetal I think th issue with me is when Im recording I dont want to use a mouse and keyboard or have a computer screen on. The X32 to me looks fantastic and would still be an option because I would rather mix with that when it comes down to mixing. Its too bad the X32 didn't have the Adat ins so I could come out of my ISA 428 into that, however I could still use the ADC's xlr's to do that. But does the X32 have transport control? I dont think so.

pcrecord Mon, 09/24/2018 - 06:21

phantomvintagegear, post: 459101, member: 40493 wrote: I was referring to the stand alone un it not the computer

Recorders are like computers, the have limited processing power.. Usually the maker put in enough CPU power for the activities they are made for..
So I guess I would trust what the maker says, if you buy a standalone recorder that says 24 track recording chances are you'll be able to mix 24 track with a breeze..
At this point of the 8 pages of discussion, you might as well try to rent a few units and get the feel of them and buy the most confortable for you ;)

phantomvintageclosed Mon, 09/24/2018 - 06:25

Thanks PCrecord. It started with controllers first thinking to stay in the computer that didnt work. Now I have been trying various single controllers just to at least have the transport, eg Faderport 2, Xtouch One and seeing how that works before I dive into a stand alone. And Im unaware of anywhere I could rent a standalone 24 track recorder unless you know something I dont. Thx for your continued input.

pcrecord Mon, 09/24/2018 - 06:47

phantomvintagegear, post: 459121, member: 40493 wrote: Thanks PCrecord. It started with controllers first thinking to stay in the computer that didnt work. Now I have been trying various single controllers just to at least have the transport, eg Faderport 2, Xtouch One and seeing how that works before I dive into a stand alone. And Im unaware of anywhere I could rent a standalone 24 track recorder unless you know something I dont. Thx for your continued input.

In Quebec, we have many music store who have renting departements.. It might not be common everywhere, but it's easy to rent mics, recorders, mixers and other gear hear..
Sorry if it's not the case for you..