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The automation on the SSL looks pretty dated to me but I understand the love of a big desk and access right in front of me. Classic example of we get used to what we are familiar with and sometimes even blind to other technology. He lost me on the recall. Most DAW's and a hybrid rig, for the most part will kick this gem out of the arena. Yes, no, maybe so?


moonbaby Tue, 11/13/2012 - 15:01

You have to remember that this was a revolutionary the 80's. Try doing what they did with the G Series on a retrofitted Flying Faders system. And another thing: ol' Chris is comparing "driving" an SSL to a DAW. But he's presenting this to a bunch of kids who grew up with a video game in their hand. Maybe to HIM the SSL is 2nd nature, but to those kiddies, it's gonna be the DAW. Different strokes for different folks, as they say.
I told Clearmountain that SSL would never rule the world, but did he believe me?

RemyRAD Tue, 11/13/2012 - 16:38

I actually found most of this rather funny. The SSL 4000 E, came out in 1978. I know a lot of us used to snicker about their Total Recall. More like Total Recal. Worse than tweaking up any 24 track analog machine before a session. At least you still had your VCA fader automation with subgrouping. And I'm quite sure that this is all very second nature to Chris.

Watching some of those other videos of Lord Chris at Power Station a.k.a. Avalon was also rather nostalgic for me. I was working at Media Sound in NYC, as Tony Bongiovi, was opening up Power Station. And Bob was still a staff engineer there at Media Sound using only Neve because he sure as heck did not like that API and I don't think he liked the Harrison much either? Or maybe it was just the automation he didn't care for on the Harrison? I also think he told me that SSL gave him his 4000 E? So of course he loves it. Wouldn't you? I know I sure would. And I've never worked on anything but a digital SSL desk. Actually played around with the SSL 8000 at NBC but never had opportunity to use it.

I guess ya could call the folks at SSL, organ donors?
Mx. Remy Ann David

e-mixmaster Wed, 11/14/2012 - 08:54

Well it is easy to recall a protools session, but there is no way you're gonna sound powerful just by staying ITB.

The listener would never ever know if you went to a lot of trouble or not, to make it sound the way it does.

SSL consoles, mostly 4000's...they sound really good. It is razor blade sound. Also Neves and others.

Some people just do not want to take the effort of doing (Manual recalls) what you have to do to make it right. Hey...if Pro Tools or logic or whatever, sounded with character we wouldn't be talking about all this, or even plugins that tried to emulate the real things.

Every thing in life takes effort.

kmetal Fri, 11/16/2012 - 04:38

uh, did mr. aldge not figure out the space bar? stop and start time of playback sounded pretty similar to me between console and average DAW. what about being a renown-ed mix guy and having blown out voice track on instructional video..? and touting the recall-ability of the console, with racks to the hilt of analog gear?
at least his assistant has something more interesting to do than clean the toilets, if he even uses the stuff.

in no way trying to claim even remotely close to his level of expertise/success. i havent yet gotten a request to make a band sound like phil collins. i'd sweat the opportunity to touch an ssl.

it's also about the dedicated knobs/vs encoders, i think. it's cool to not have to press a button to turn a knob. it does what it does w/ out more work.

i think the attitude that plug-insare somehow not 'real' is trying to be elitist in a way. they do make a change in the sound you are hearing, so yes they are real changes. better or worse? well i know i like knobs and faders. so while people may love they're own gear better than the pluggin, it's not even a fair comparison. when you buy a pluggin your getting the best 'model' of the best model they think they chose. your comparing physical manufacturing standards vs. the ability to generate and algorithm of a peice of gear. different beasts. i mean who says opening up a ten year old session on a worn out cpu even delivers 'exactly' the same sound, and what engineer working for those ten years could even say? those are micro management issues. it'd be adsurd to think that the persons hearing response is the same, for better or worse.

From the stories i've heard about people's pet equipment it could have been hot rodded, had drugs or beer seeped into it, or coulda darn well just worked w/ the defincies of the monitoring/room.


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