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I'm having problems when I connect my laptop pc to the MOTU 828 mkII (USB 2.0). It seems to be some syncronization problem. Does anybody knows what can be happening?
I've got:

Windows xp with Service Pack 2

USB 2.0 (VIA)
AMD Turion 64

I tried to install all the updated drivers from VIA, AMD, and MOTU, but nothing worked. I'm desesperated.
Please, help me!

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anonymous Fri, 01/13/2006 - 02:08

My problem is that there are bad communication between the USB port (I guess). For example, when I launh the CueMix console, I get a message that says:
"CueMix State is not in sync becasue the audio stream is not locked"
Then I can move the faders and see how the faders move in the MOTU, but it doesn't goes smooth. It hangs up for seconds, having delays when I open the menus or do configuration changes....
On other hand, when I try to pass de ASIO configuration test for Nuendo 2, I get many "sync lost" and can not pass the test. Later, Nuendo just sees the two main inputs and the two main outputs of the motu, although in the VST Multitrack configuration everything seems to be ok (there, I see all the inputs and outputs)...
Reason 3.0 hangs up sometimes and sometimes not.

And so on....

I don't know what's happening and how can I solve it. I know I bought two brand new elements (laptop PC and motu 828 mkII) and I cannot use them....

Help me, please!

pr0gr4m Fri, 01/13/2006 - 08:11

First, the 828 MKII should be using your Firewire connection, not USB.

The problem may be in the chipset used for your Firewire. If it is NEC, that can cause this problem. MOTU has stated that their firewire devices are not compatibly with NEC. TI is your best bet. If you find that your firewire does use the NEC chipset, you may want to try buying a PCMCIA firewire adapter card that has a TI chipset.

Another possiblity is that you're firewire connection could be firewalled. Go into Network Connections and check that.

Another place to look for info is


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