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I am not sure whether or not to buy a nice sound card and run directly into my computer or buy a digital recorder. I will give you my equipment info and what it is exactly I am trying to accomplish.

P4 - 3.2 Processor
80 - gig hardrive
1 - GB or PC 3200/400 mhz DDR ram

Sound card - SoundMAX Digital Audio (came with computer)

As for software I have:

Cakewalk's Homestudio 2002
Sound Forge 7.0

Not sure which of those is better.

I also have a Behringer UB802 Mixer and a MXL 990 Condensor Mic.

Thats it!

Should I invest in a digital recording consule or just get a upgraded sound card? What are the pluses and minuses of both? Based on what equipment I got what would be the best route to take?

Also next thing I plan on buying is the FMR RNC-1773 compressor.

I am going to be laying down vocals, guitar for the most part. I will be making CD's but mostly just for family and friends.

Any suggestions would be very appreciated.


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