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Has anyone use KRK Rokit8 ? Is it good? I planing to get speaker for my studio but I have no idae which speaker is good and not so expensive. Can its compare with Genelec 1029?


anonymous Sat, 05/15/2004 - 10:09

I just picked up a pair of RP8's, and they're amazing. KRK has always made amazing monitors, and the fact that a pair of RP8's is just about 500 bucks is the best feature. How KRK made these monitors, which sound so good, for so cheap, is beyond me... I love these spekers. they are probably some of the smoothest, most responsive out there!

anonymous Sun, 05/30/2004 - 22:05

theburningtoaster wrote: Has anyone heard the KRK V82's yet? I have been wondering how they differ from the original V8's

I have the single v8's, and personally don't really like the v88. I think they are a bit unrealistic (too bassy) but I heard a lot of people mixing hip/ hop and r&b like them. The v8's are great though- I find them superior to the mackie's but really the ultimate say goes to my ns10's.