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I recently purchased a Toft ATB 24 console and now should be looking into converters. However i invested a chunk of money into this console already and will probally need to sell items to get converters recomended. Basically i have a Focusrite Sapphire 56 and a Mackie Blackbird (both were temporarily purchased for Pro Tools while on a console hunt) i can get rid of. I also have a Hammer EQ that is worth a pretty penny. So my thoughts were to either sell the Hammer EQ as i have good EQs in the Toft as well as sell the two interfaces, than get a nice Lynx or Apogee converter setup. Second thought was to keep the Hammer EQ and sell the two interfaces and get a less pricey converter setup such as a RME Multiface II and the RME ADI-8 DS. I know this is subjective and depends more on style of music recording. Also, i am not recording super HIFI audiophile classical, orhestra, or piano music. More alternative rock with distorted guitars etc... Thx

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