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Soundcraft 8000

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Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 03/28/2007 - 15:36

Hi, does anyone have any experience of using the 8000 as their studio desk. .ive got the chance tp buy a 24/8/4 model in good condition going cheap and since I'm looking for an older analog desk as my front end, i wondered if anyone had any advice or points on this desk. thanks.


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I had one of those back in the late 80's,early 90's. It was a love/hate relationship. It sounded OK, and looked great, but a LOT of little things would go wrong with it. LED's, pushbuttons, and the like were constantly failing. Very irritating at the least. I know the current owner and he's now bitching about the power supply dropping out and PHYSICALLY humming (a transformer on the way out), and that the opamps and switching IC's are a real pain to locate.
If you really want that Soundcraft analog experience, you might look for a Ghost. At least they're newer, quieter, more flexible, offer some automation, and are supported by third party service-providers.

Thu, 03/29/2007 - 06:24 Permalink