26 January 2006
After many years of bitching about this Tascam nightmare...cause it has always been unpredictable in nature. Last night I wanted to record some tracks and found out the record button will not start my Cubase SX to recording. I can get Cubase to record only by clicking the record button on SCREEN. The other buttons REW..F FWD..STOP..PLAY work on the controller 428. Wonder what the deal is. yes I think the button is not working...but maybe there are setting in Cubase that effects this situation.
Any comment
I doubt it would be a setting in cubase. If one button works, t
I doubt it would be a setting in cubase. If one button works, then they all should.
Only things I can think of are make sure your not sync'd up with something and that you have a track record enabled. But I'm sure you've checked those things.