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I had no idea we could add this much RAM, wow! 512 GIG!

RAM limits of all Win8 versions:

Windows RT 32-bit: 4GB
Windows 8 32-bit: 4GB
Windows 8 Pro 32-bit: 4GB
Windows 8 Enterprise 32-bit: 4GB
Windows 8 64-bit: 192GB
Windows 8 Pro 64-bit: 512GB
Windows 8 Enterprise 64-bit: 512GB

How much do you have now and at what point is this overkill? Maybe never overkill.
I know increasing your RAM amount does not mean that you increase performance.

Just curious: Who is benefiting most at this amount? Graphic and video or programs like Atmosphere or huge VSTi libraries. But in the end, aren't you bottlenecked anyway?
