Hey guys,
When I record something on my H4n I can get the levels to what seems the highest without distortion like 06 or osmething around there. or use the auto feature. I then record my trackmp3 and wav. I have the headphones plugged into the unit, and play the track back I can hear it LOUD and CLEAR on the headphones. Now, I hook up the USB, click play, it comes up in itunes and i can HARDLY hear it at all now on my computer speakers, vs. the qaulity and volume when listening to the play back with headphones from the unit...
Gonna take it to the store see if anyone will take the time to help me. but till then...
Any ideas?
Hey neversilence, I have done this but not in itunes. I importe
Hey neversilence,
I have done this but not in itunes. I imported a few hours of a play I'm in, into Sonar and Samplitude/Sequoia and it worked perfect. I saw no change in audio. It was exactly how I heard it in the H4n.
Note though, I recorded the audio in wave format. Not mp3.
Use the H4N USB file transfer ("storage" connection) to get the
Use the H4N USB file transfer ("storage" connection) to get the file on to the computer. Now you can open it with any audio editing program (even Audacity) and look to see what your recorded levels really are.
My guess is that they are lower than you expect. You can try the DAW's compression function (set to limit = infinite ratio) to bring the levels up. Play the compressed/limited file in iTunes and see if that restores the levels.
O.k hey guys.. I took this down to the guy at the store. NO HELP
O.k hey guys.. I took this down to the guy at the store. NO HELP only indicating I need to read the manual and play with it....Whats a DWA?? Audacity???
This is in no means spam... but I have basically put a 30 second song up on myspace page myspace.com/neversilence There is come clipping when too loud not worried of that right now... I can fix that once i figure out why this sounds so good WITH headphones but not straight from speakers.... Maybe am I best to record at a lower volume to avoid clipping when played louded, and use Adacity for example to amplify what I have done....
Maybe you can listen WITH headphones.... Then try it through your speakers. Seems so simple like hearing it as good through headphones with speakers should be a snap.... anymore info appreciated.
Hopefully I will figure this out soone
neversilence wrote: O.k hey guys.. I took this down to the guy a
neversilence wrote: O.k hey guys.. I took this down to the guy at the store. NO HELP only indicating I need to read the manual and play with it....Whats a DWA?? Audacity???
DWA? You must mean DAW? which stand for - "Digital Audio Workstation"
Audacity® is free, open source software for recording and editing sounds
Good luck!
I dont know. haha. But if you lsiten with headphones it sounds
I dont know.
haha. But if you lsiten with headphones it sounds great. No headphones not so great, even if you use DAW like cubase and try and amplify the track.
I called another guy at the store, whu owns one says I can come ddown tomorrow afternoon and he will see what we can do.
Sorry if this is in the wrong forum.......................................
I find it intrigiung why this is taking place. I apologize for this rubbish and my lack of patienc. hopefully im off and rock tomorrow.
THe proble is there shoulkd BE NO PROBLEM. IT should record and
THe proble is there shoulkd BE NO PROBLEM. IT should record and sound the same on speakers Vs Headphone (wihin) reason im pretty pissed tyhe guy tol methis would just what I wanted it and now this//// gop down again today. If they cant help me IO will offer to by a non prtable unit iof the can show me a demo from my bass.
I will lt know whats up after today
Hah. Im sane sorry folks. Im stil skeptical but they just lent m
Hah. Im sane sorry folks. Im stil skeptical but they just lent me some speakrs and things see to sound as out of these as with headpnones. Mind these expensive spearks lol. But this will all work out in the end.
Thanks for all of the input, and sorry dragging out such a long repetive forum
neversilence wrote: it would be nice if anyone would go listen :
neversilence wrote: it would be nice if anyone would go listen :P
Just to tell me they working. Seems like it is. Time to get the axes and drums out : )
Listen to what?
The H4N works - I use one a lot for simple recordings. Your problem is almost certainly not with the H4N but with getting the right levels on your tracks before feeding them into iTunes, which expects input brick-wall limited at 0dBFS.
My guess is that you have an expectation that your recordings should sound as loud as a commercial CD when played via iTunes on your computer. You would need to put some work in to get it anywhere near that level.
I just bought one of these, what a great little recorder! I have
I just bought one of these, what a great little recorder! I haven't tried this yet, neversilence, so I can't help you but I thought I'd chime in anyway and give it a thumbs up.
Whatever you find out, please let us know.