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Hi there,
I'm somewhat confused on the relivance of the VP88 mic...

Since I would have to:

A) Record normaly into a stereo device (porta MD/DAT) and in post spread the figure 8 pattern onto 2 tracks and reverse the polarity on one track, while having the regular pattern on another track as usual.


b) Record directly to 3 channels by adding another Y spliter to the figure 8 side of the other Y cable and do the same thing in post as the other.

(both the same thing)

What does this internal matrix do on the VP88 that I cant decode my self using a regular cardioid and a figure 8 mic m-s set up?



moles Thu, 02/12/2004 - 13:22

I'm not sure which mic that is -- but if it has an internal matrix, then my first guess is you DON'T have to do all that, since you are basically running the signals through a matrix twice; once internally in the mic, and once yourself. The point would be to save you time and hassle.

Who makes VP88 anyway? I want to go check it out and see what it's about.

billsnodgrass Fri, 02/13/2004 - 14:06

you can do more by making your own "matrix"
figure of eight split to two diffrent channels and hard panned, one is thrown out of phase.
mid mic to another channel dead center. could pan the mid mic one way or another
2. pan the the sides towards the middle changing the depth
but there is so much more you do with once you get your head around those concept. like adding a delay to the sides or the mids ............

Doublehelix Fri, 02/20/2004 - 04:18

Originally posted by billsnodgrass:
you can do more by making your own "matrix"
figure of eight split to two diffrent channels and hard panned, one is thrown out of phase.
mid mic to another channel dead center. could pan the mid mic one way or another
2. pan the the sides towards the middle changing the depth
but there is so much more you do with once you get your head around those concept. like adding a delay to the sides or the mids ............ how do you split the figure-of-eight mic to two channels?

anonymous Sat, 02/21/2004 - 00:21

In a pinch, I've multed the output of the fig 8 mic to two channels and flipped the phase on one of them, then panning them to the same side to adjust levels until they completely cancel out. Then just pan them back hard left and right and mix in the Mid mic to taste to adjust the desired width.

The added benefit of the M/S technique is that you can record the Mid mic and the Side mic to two tracks, and later decode the image to suit the material once it's on tape. In fact, it's VERY simple to do in a workstation... you just duplicate the fig 8 track and invert the phase on the duplicated track, then pan them accordingly.

You should make note of how the fig 8 mic is facing, too. I always just make the front lobe of the mic the left side, and when I reverse the phase of the rear lobe, I'll know it's gonna be the right side.