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Well just for the fun of it I want to send some promo packs (or whatever you call them) to some record labels around the midwest and wherever else.

I am not entirely sure what I should include. This is what I'm thinking>

SHORT band bio (no one wants to read a novel)

Bands CD(s)

Band pictures

. .

Any advice or ideas would be much appreciated.

Oh yah, give my band a listen. I'm the lead singer/guitar player/songwritter/i record all of our songs.


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Space Sat, 02/02/2008 - 09:20

Mguitar34 wrote: Well just for the fun of it I want to send some promo packs (or whatever you call them) to some record labels around the midwest and wherever else.

I am not entirely sure what I should include. This is what I'm thinking>

SHORT band bio (no one wants to read a novel)

Bands cd(s)

Band pictures


Any advice or ideas would be much appreciated.

Oh yah, give my band a listen. I'm the lead singer/guitar player/songwritter/i record all of our songs.


Introducing yourself to unknowns just for the fun of it?
I'd say have fun, but I wouldn't do it just for the fun of it. Chances are you will never hear back from these people anyway so take the fun of it out and develop something that works for your band.

Are maybe that is how your band rolls. Maybe you folks are a fun band. That would work then.

Do not miss an opportunity to give the viewer(not me) access to your band. If all you have is a myspace account, use it, because you need every piece of leverage you can get. Providing several methods of contact is not bad.

Hell, Jimi Hendrix has a myspace account!!


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