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Need 'fat' mic preamp recommendation for DAW


In a couple of months, I will begin tracking for a follow-up album that I have been hired to produce/engineer for an independent label. I am a Pro Tools guy (yes), and own a modest studio, with several decent mic preamps, good A/D conversion, etc. These days, I've been mixing inside PT, and it is working well for me.

"Driving" mic preamp's and other gear - overload


Care to discuss?

I have some TLA gear that likes to be 'driven' I have the option on some Neve channels but haven't learned the pro's and con's of it yet.

Who drives their mic preamp's or any other gear for that matter (& reduces the ouput level elsewhere) to get the sound they like?

Helios channels DONT like it at all!

Your thoughts?

Mic Pre's and why they differ


I'm not exactally a newbie to recording, but I am fairly new to Music recording. In other words my ears aren't fully qualified. What I'm wondering is what are the differences between the Mic pre's on say, a Yamaha 01v/02R and an API (Neve, Manley, etc.)pre. What should I be listening for, and how do you compare the two (multi-track mixes, single tracks, etc etc)? Thanks in advance.