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The Reckoning - original song mix advice

Here's a new song of mine - came together pretty quick - interested in any mix critique and also strategies to tame the lead vocal - I'm not sure exactly what I'm trying to do - I don't think it's just volume envelope I'm after, but I don't know if I need some sort of compression or limiter or something to keep it out front but taming the idiosyncratic phrases or loud parts.

I'm new to recording

What's up everyone. I'm new to the recording scene and I'm wanting to learn more about it. I'm currently using Behringer umc202HD interface on windows 10 and for now running a trail for Studio one 2 DAW. I'm basically wanting to learn more on how to record metal music is what I'm into. And I'm wanting to know what is a good daw for recording mixing and Mastering.

Rendering...when to in your workflow and for quality?

Up until now as I've worked in Reaper when I render my project I've done an all or nothing kind of thing - rendering everything as the mastermix and I realize there may be some limitations on this.

Now my computer is powerful enough to handle this - lot's of headroom with memory and CPU -- I'm assuming I shouldn't lose quality with this approach but I may be wrong.