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Ideal drywall setup for drum room?

Hi all,

I'm building a drum studio in my garden. It is purpose built, and completely detached from any other building. I have a double stud construction already in position, formatted to make a two-leaf assembly. I will have outer, external layer, insulation, air-gap (1 inch), insulation, inner board, and it's the inner board I'm asking about.

Volume Level

Wasnt Shure where to post this, maybe in the daw section. Anyways, I'm listening too songs i have been recording and exporting over the last years and i find that the volume level is very different for each of the songs. Its kind of annoying. Is there a way to deal with and correct this without spending several hours?


I bought a cheap plywood jazz bass copy and put some emg jvx pups in it.
So re did the bass line of this cover we did a while back, and remixed the song.
Its so nice to have a bit of pow in the bass, where it use to be dull .
So what do you think ?, maybe the bass is a bit over the top ( new toy and all )