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How Much Does A Recording Studio Cost (to build) ?

This is a popular question. I've been in some preliminary talks with a potential new client for a design and supervisory role on a new home studio build in my area.

The obvious question is how much, the reply, well. . It depends. So many variables exist in studio construction it's very different than any other type of construction in a home.

EQ? help with this acoustic track

I'd be thrilled if anyone can offer advice with anything I can do to this track.

The situation:
The recording was made at an Old Town Hall in this room. It's so reverberant that when I got there to set up it was just the organizer and myself talking from opposite sides of the room and could barely hear what he was saying because everything was bouncing off the walls like mad.

Dissertation questionnaire analog vs digital

Questionnaire: Can Analogue and digital recording co-exist?

1) What is your preferred medium for recording, analog tape or digital and why?

2) Do you feel there is still a cold vs warm debate in terms of actual recording medium and front end and processing equipment given digital recordings progress?

Two mics, different types different distances from guitar... how to check and avoid phase issues?


Been experimenting with using two mics on my acoustic - an SM57 (dynamic), and a single RODE M5 (a condenser). I generally blend these (with the 57 doing most of the work) but the RODE still contributing.


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