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Replacing Internal Battery in Power Tower Pro

Each time I shut down my Power Computing Power Tower Pro 225 (which has a Newer Tech 400 MHz G3 card installed), the date resets to 1956. I assume that this means that the internal battery has failed. Does any one know if this battery is easily removed, socketed rather than soldered in, and if a replacement can be obtained?

Output mod for Lucid GENx6?

I coulda sworn I saw a post on here recently about changing the resistor values on the outputs of the Lucid GENx6 wordclock generator, in order to allow it to drive a Waves L2. Something about the L2's WC input requiring a higher peak-to-peak voltage than other gear.

Does anyone know the specifics of this resistor mod? I can't find it anywhere for the life of me.

C414EB Questions

Last weekend, I had the privelege of recording Drums (a well-maintained 1967 Ludwig 4-piece with brand new Evans heads) in a large renovated barn, with AKG C414 EB's as overheads; All while my Fiance' was out tasting wedding cakes with my mother. What a nice weekend it was.

Anywho, The C414EB's were the silver model, a matched set, in mint condition.


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