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Recording drums in sections?

I am running a Digi 003 with a MBP and basically wanted to get some techniques on recording drums in sections, then putting them together for a final mix. I can play drums, but to play a song from start to finish to a click track would be nearly impossible. I am going to be playing the drums, as well as using the computer, so I guess you could say I am flying solo on this one.

-8 to -3db for kick drums (mix to master)

Hi everybody! I'm new here, but producing music is my life (I'm only 21 now) and I have been reading EVERYthing about the subject for the last 4 years. I absolutely LOVE compression, ENDLESS eq, and volume balancing, and basically every technical tidbit I can get my hands on... yes, this is my whole world, and yes, I think of everything I ever hear in terms of frequencies.

Second - resonsant head - kick drum mic

Alright so I know what the purpose of a LD Condenser microphone on the outside of a kick drum (resonant head) is used for (ie. fuller more deep sound) but my question is what do those of you who use this second mic do with it.

Do you just combine the tracks in the mixer going into either software or tape? Or do you keep it seperate.

Live drums on your recordings!


My name is Micke, I am a drummer and I also own a studio. I would like to help you by adding well recorded drums to your songs. I will do it for free as long it's a demo or no budget involved. Mainly I do this because I think it's a nice way to meet new people in the world of music.

To hear samples please visit my website:

Recording Non- Conventional Percussion Instruments

Hi everyone. I'm starting to record a musical/theatrical proyect called TEKEYE, from Bogota Colombia. The recording is only for the musical part, some of the instruments that will be recorded are: Plastic Trash cans, basketballs, brooms, matches, pans, water cans etc. It is very similar to the STOMP format.
