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Response (Curve) - This term refers to frequency response and is normally associated with optimum performance levels. For instance, a flat response curve on a graphic EQ unit would be one in which all faders were set in a straight line at "0".


"Foldback" is a term used in England to describe the mix that is being sent to the monitor speakers in the control room. However, it can also apply to the headphone mix that is being generated for the musicians.

System for feeding one or more separate mixes to the performers for use while recording and overdubbing. Also known as a Cue mix.


In general terms, "frequency" is the rate (how often) at which something repeats. In acoustic terms, it is the rate at which sound Wavesrepeat over time. The greater the number of repeats, the higher the frequency. And the higher the frequency, the higher the pitch of the tone that is produced.


An eight-track digital tape recorder developed by the Tascam Corporation, employing Hi-8 video tape as its storage medium. The DA-88 is essentially four DATs stacked vertically. It uses the helical scanning method to imprint information.


(Digital Audio Tape Recorder) - A stereo cassette deck employing digital technology. Its A/D filter converts an analog input to digital information. Using technology similar that used in video cassette recording, helical scan heads imprint the digital information onto special DAT cassettes.


The decibel (abbreviated dB) is a unit used to measure the intensity of a sound. However, the dB scale is not linear, rather it is a unit used to express the relative levels of two electrical voltages, powers or sounds. It is never an absolute value.


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