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The difference expressed in dB between the nominal operating level of a device, and the maximum level that can pass through the device without being distorted.


The distance (in decibels) between the nominal level of a piece of audio equipment ("0" on the meter) and the clipping level, at which point it distorts.

Edit buffer

The internal RAM area that stores the current mix settings (i.e. the current mix scene). When a mix scene is stored, the Edit Buffer data is copied to the selected scene memory. When a mix scene is recalled, the data of the selected scene memory is copied back to the Edit Buffer.


A technique that was used to improve the noise performance of the first generation of AD/DA converters. Although not used today, it is often provided for compatibility with older recordings. The emphasis technique consisted of boosting signals above 3.5 khz by 6 dB/octave before AID conversion.
