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The distance that a wave propagated in space or along a wire travels while going through a single cycle (360°). At room temperature one wavelength at 100Hz is around 11 feet, while at 10kHz the distance is reduced to about 1.3 inches. An important detail that needs to be understood in the design of acoustic spaces.


A means by which the laboratory measurements of the performance of a piece of audio equipment are modified to better take into account human aural perception. This generally delivers slightly better specifications. For example, "a-weighting" is a curve that is applied to the measurement of sound pressure levels that compensate for the way the human ear perceives loudness.


Jitter is the deviation of some aspect of the pulses in a digital signal. In audio applications, Analog to Digital converters are one of the most critical components that are susceptible to jitter. Using an internal or external clock, an A/D converter "slices" an incoming audio signal into a number of pulses that digitally conforms to the original source.

Word Length

In digital audio, the term is used to define the number of bits a digital device uses to process audio. While sampling frequency determines the outer frequency limits that a piece of hardware is capable of processing, bit depth refers to the dynamic range that can be captured during recording.

XY Stereo

XY stereo set-up is a coincidence stereo technique using two cardioid microphones in the same point and angled at 90° to produce a stereo image. Theoretically, the two microphone capsules need to be at exactly the same point in space to avoid any phase problems due to the distance between the capsules.