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Focusrite Mic Pre's or Motu's


I was wondering if I should go with the MOTU 896 with built in pre's or break the system up and get something like the MOTU 2408 and a Focusrite 8 chanel pre with built in compression and limiting. The 24 i/o looks interesting too, but it may be a little expensive for me initially. Opinionsand feedback would be great. :confused:

Thanks Guys...

How to bypass mixer pres when using outboard mic preamp?


Hello all, this is my first post here. Please excuse my ignorance.

I am about to get my first outboard mic preamp (I think a PreSonus MP20 used at GC for $300). How do I run the signal into my mixer without going through the board pres? My mixer has balanced line ins, but they are pre-preamp. It also has inserts.

Mic preamps: I need a push


While I am still very curious to hear Kurt's report on the Sebatron pre, I feel myself moving towards a mic preamp purchase in the next couple days (that refund check is burning a hole in my pocket). The problem is, I'm waffling between two pretty different units. This pre will be my go-to unit. What I'm down to are the Langevin DVC and the Great Rivers 2NV.

M-Audio Tampa Mic Pre...opinions?


Anyone use it or know someone who has?

I have heard nothing about it, but I've seen a lot of hype.

If it's in the (oxymoronically) new tradition of their reference monitors, I'm not interested.

If it's in the tradition of their soundcards (I have an AP 24/96 which is the best card for the price) I am totally interested.
