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Doing Vivaldi with Electric Instruments

Hey guys. I'm new to audio engineering and would like criticism and feedback on what I'm trying to do here. I'm basically just trying to record classical music (all the instrument parts) on electric guitars and bass, staying as faithful as practical to the original music while also making some concessions to make the instrumentation sound more modern.

A Thin Place

My first recording using Studio One DAW. In my new, unfinished studio. Original. Still learning the stock plugins. Want to invest in a 500 series lunch box but not sure what to put in it.

Anyhow. Tried not to compress to much. Is bass to loud? Panning choices I'm still experimenting with

Critique welcome


Big Moving Parts - My first "lockdown" production

This has been one of the most enjoyable and rewarding things that I’ve done musically (for myself) during this lockdown period. Larry (drummer) and I had a lot of fun recording this. The track forms part of my next solo album which I’m busy with at the moment. It was quite tricky doing all the filming and playing but I'm quite happy with the result.

Ableton popup window automatically opening

I created an audio effect rack out of some 3rd-party plugins and I throw it on a lot of instruments. Whenever I pull it out of my browser and onto a track, all of and only the 3rd-party plugin windows open automatically which is unneeded and annoying.

I hate having to close all the windows one by one. Is there a way to keep them from popping up?