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Going for an anthemic kind of vibe with this guitar-based instrumental..

Hi everyone,

I've been recording this track over the last week or so. Used my Tele for all guitar sounds; EZ Drummer for drums, EZBass for bass (I know... my bass guitar is very scratchy) and various plugins for keys and strings..

I guess I was going for an anthemic kind of sound.


Quick and Dirty Recording

I had to fix my computer - lost the licences in a silly mistake, so to check all was back up and running - I tried recording some stuff and it sort of turned into a song - The only mics I'd not taken to the other studio were two very old Shures - SM61 and 63 - both omnis. quite a bit of wind noise and a bit poppy, but not really much I could have done without going and getting some stuff.


Shark Sandwich (a rock instrumental homage) — how is it? Thanks.

Hi everyone,

It’s been a while since I’ve posted here — I’ve been working on some new stuff. Borrowed a friend’s 7-string, and additionally used my tele and a semi acoustic. Drums were programmed in EZDrummer, bass programmed in EZBass and strings using Logic’s studio strings.…


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