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mixing table or computer ?

well i plan to buy a new mixing table but i was just wondering if i needed that,considering that i've got great plugs in my soft (nuendo actually) and why not doing all the work with my computer and my sound card (m-audio 410) i compose for movies :ewqlo) and sometimes i sing directly in my soundcard with a studiov3 (art)
i know it sounds a little stupid but ..

Placement of instruments in the soundscape

Ok I know that sounds dumb but it's the only way I could explain it. How do you get a guitar up high in the top of the left headphone, another one down the bottom etc etc.? Like Chinese Democracy, everything is so tight and in it's own space. I understand pan left and right, how do you get them up and down. Is it mixing frequencies? Anyone explain?

Logic 8 projects moved out of sync

Hey there. I need some help. I just installed a new project hard drive into my mac pro and transferred my project data from the system HD to the new hd. Now I have noticed that my projects drums have moved out of sync with the grid. What could be wrong... Pls help, I'm getting tired of logics bugs. Thanks in advance. Ps: is there perhaps a link to optimize logic 8 for mac pro 8 core.


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