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Shure SE110 vs E2 Earphones

I'm not sure that this is the correct forum to be posting this question in, but it seemed to be the most relevant (I will delete/repost in a different one if desired)... I'm in a band and am looking for some good earphones to take with me on the road/when I travel (instead of constantly worrying that my Sony MDR-7506s will get crushed in our van).

Tascam 38-8 overview for home recording

hey, I have been recording off and on for years with my Tascam 246, and am used to all the built-in features, and it still works great after 20 years!

I am looking to get an 8-track deck, and have the opportunity to buy a good used Tascam 38-8 for a decent price. I like working with tapes, which is fine for my purposes.

Cubase songs do not open, then Cubase crashes

I am able to open Cubase sx. I am able to play some songs. However, most of the songs (songs I made recently ) do not open and then Cubase crashes. Can anyone help? Thanks

I don't know it quincedence but it seems to have happened when i downloaded abode flash player, now I can not get rid of it.

Do you guys think I should have my 414's modded?

I've always thought my 414's sounded a little harsh or brittle (the new ones, 414 BXL II), especially after getting my tlm 103 (or comparing them to my sm81's as drum OH's). and though running them through my Neve or api clones or Sytek with the burr browns seem to help somewhat, i'm still wondering about this mod option that i've heard about. .

slightly offtopic- help with compression, changes pan?

Hey guys,
After using countless plugging s like waves, tc etc..
I decided to spring for the Wavesssl plugins
I'm not very familiar with "real" higher end hardware, so maybe this is to be expected, but why when is it when apply a good amount of squeeze does the stereo panning change?

Also, is there a way to not get this effect?