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Mixing better bass

Any body have any tips on carving out a nice, tight, punchy bottom end during Mastering? Is it a function of EQ? Multi-band compression? Both? Something else?

Also, regarding M/B Compression:
How do different attack/release settings affect the different freq. bands?

Any suggestions are appreciated. Thanks.

Lets Talk "Distressors!" (How you like?)


I have 2 Empirical Lab Distressors that I have owned since the spring.

Since Zythum Studios has been "under construction"
(alomost the entire year!), I have really not had the oppertunity to really tweak them thru the testing grill.

I would love to hear from you all on what your expierences have been with The Distressor.


I have a M149 and IMO it's a very good mic, although very expensive IMHO. :)

I read opinions every now and then about it on the forums, a while ago Jon (Atack) said the mic was losing shootout after shootout and Jules said he has two M149's and he uses them only on toms.

Now please don't misunderstand me, I respect Jon's and Jules' opinion very much although I disagree.

Quantegy is still with us!

Hi every one,

I had recently posed the qestion "Is Quantegy going out of business?", because it was rumored from a music branch in my area that this was the case!

However I have investigated a little further into the matter and have discovered that Quantegy is indeed NOT GOING OUT, but simply had one of thier NJ supply houses closeing, so the sale was from this outlet.


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