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How does Cubase compare?

I was considering buying cubase, I saw it at Mars music store for $69, so I figured I would check out what users think about it.
Doesn't seem to be too many of you guys in this forum, is that because it is so easy to use you rarely have any problems?
I want to put out the best quality recordings I can, how does Cubase VST stand up to something like Emagic or Sonar?

Which HDR for Client "Bedroom" collaborations

Lately clients have been asking me for recommendations as to which of the current crop of hardware hard disk recorders they should buy. Their goal is to be able to take mixes of rhythm tracks, etc. that they do in my studio back to their "bedroom" so that they can add some overdubs at their leisure, without the pressure of my clock running.

Intentionally Bad Recordings

A group of us were discussing why so many CDs are being recorded with intentionally bad, distorted or extremely lo-fi sound. What are the reasons that someone would go out of their way to distort and annoy the listener. Generally, it seems we are talking about more cutting edge alternative rock, dance, electronica, hip hop music styles. This is a philosophical question.