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The sound of API

I'm looking to buy some channel strips to add some color to sources tracked into my digital system. I'll be tracking some synths and occasionally some live stuff... My question is how does something like the API 7600 channel strip compare sonically to something like an AMEK Pure Channel, or maybe one of the Neve modules.

Upgrade power amp

I would like to upgrade from Stewart world 1.2 to... ? Am more musician than engineer (learning) and have a private studio setup. I'm looking to power NS10's and KRK 1203's (these are "ancient" 250w rated 3 ways). A thread on RAP turned up Adcom & Parasound. Having, fortunately or unfortunately, more money than brains at the moment, are these resonable choices?

Mastering software

I'm interested in finding mastering software that won't break the bank. I have looked at Sonic Solutions SonicStudio HD but there seem to be no retailers selling it. I also looked at T racks and a couple of others. I'm using a PC with Sonic Foundry Sound Forge and Cool Edit now. What I need is a good two track mastering program...and advice or suggestion would be appreciated.


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