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Upgrade power amp

I would like to upgrade from Stewart world 1.2 to... ? Am more musician than engineer (learning) and have a private studio setup. I'm looking to power NS10's and KRK 1203's (these are "ancient" 250w rated 3 ways). A thread on RAP turned up Adcom & Parasound. Having, fortunately or unfortunately, more money than brains at the moment, are these resonable choices?

Mastering software

I'm interested in finding mastering software that won't break the bank. I have looked at Sonic Solutions SonicStudio HD but there seem to be no retailers selling it. I also looked at T racks and a couple of others. I'm using a PC with Sonic Foundry Sound Forge and Cool Edit now. What I need is a good two track mastering program...and advice or suggestion would be appreciated.

OpenSource Recording Software.

Im not a genious when it comes to coding, basic c and c++... but I am a full on linux nut...

I was just wondering if we could share blocks of code and such here... I mean... I can write calculators and stupid applications, but I dont know what A driver looks like...

Whoever was coding the audio drivers can you help me out here?

